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Mega Insta SLAM!


Created by Austobahn
Updated Feb 3, 2023


Use Mega Knight’s Dark Armor to constantly stun during the round.



The main purpose of this deck is to use Mega Knight's Skyfall as much as possible to let Countess deal damage all around the board. It's a really fun deck that can come in clutch once you get everything upgraded.

First Round: Try to get Mega Knight up front as soon as possible so he can soak up most of the damage. Plus, you'll have a better chance to upgrade him sooner. If he didn't show up in the rolls, Battle Healer can be fine with one of the 2-cost Minis.

Second Round: Upgrade MK to his 3rd star, Dark Armor, to generate energy when hit. Then, always make sure to place him in a spot where he'll be targeted by most of the opponents. If you're going up against a high-HP team (Shield Maiden/BH), it might be better to have Battle Healer out before MK is upgraded.

Third Round: Upgrade Mega Knight again depending on the opposing team. If the enemies are spread out, increase his AOE. If the enemies are close together, increase the stun duration. However, if you're MK is getting KOed too quickly, bring out Battle Healer behind him to keep him alive longer. Upgrading her to Block can be useful as well for an extra layer of protection for him and Countess.

Once you have MK upgraded once or twice and Battle Healer beside him, the deck is almost unstoppable. As for the supporting Minis, these guys can be moved around, bought and sold, all which ways.

Ice Wizard is useful against big damage dealers like PEKKA and Skeleton King. Miner is good against backline units with Supers like Electro Wizard or AQ to dissipate. Lumberjack can be used to protect Ice Wizard in the back, give Countess a jumpstart with his Clash, or even be sacrificed to protect Mega Knight from being stunned/slowed.


War TootWar Toot
War Toot
Mega Knight
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

War Toot can be vital when against Shield Maiden or other stun decks. SM can often destroy the whole team in early rounds just with her shield.

Mega Knight
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Sauna can be useful against instadeaths (PEKKA). If possible, sacrificing Battle Healer to the Sauna can protect Mega Knight for a quick sec early in the round when he's generating that first Skyfall. Then, she can come back into battle and continue healing him.


VS.Skeleton KingSkeleton KingTwo Swords
Mega Knight
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Skeleton King and any other Minis that dissipate can be a hard matchup. Fortunately, Dark Armor still does a pretty good job at generating energy, though it can also be very useful to upgrade Battle Healer to her 3rd star to give him even more energy when she heals.

If up against a Miner that dissipates, put Lumberjack in the back to fight him off before he can get to Countess.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Mega Knight
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Shield Maiden is really tough in early rounds when you don't have MK upgraded or Battle Healer. Countess can often get KOed way too early because of her damage reflection.

There's not too much you can do except wait it out until MK is upgraded enough to constantly stun her. But, you can also use Miner to dissipate, Lumberjack to speed allies up, or Ice Wizard to slow her down.

VS.WizardWizardTwo Swords
Mega Knight
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

A big counter to this deck can be Wizard and his Spicy ability to reduce healing. However, it's not hard to get past.

Just try and place Miner in a spot to KO him first and upgrade Battle Healer to give Block so allies still have a way to stay alive. Countess can also help to take him out quickly since she teleports.

Mega Insta SLAM!
Mega Knight
Battle Healer
Ice Wizard

Created Feb 3, 2023 by Austobahn


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce WizardMiner
    6Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconLumberjack
    3Star (Max) + 12 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconMega KnightBattle Healer

About This Deck

The deck Mega Insta SLAM! was originally created on Feb 3, 2023 by Austobahn. This deck uses Countess as the hero with Mega Knight, Battle Healer, Lumberjack, Ice Wizard, and Miner as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 12.1, and HP at 156.

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