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Royal champion knight defense

Royal Champion

Created by Ugabuga
Updated Mar 7, 2022




This deck focuses on defense and ranged damage as well it bases on healing.Low health minis like healing ranger or spear goblin shoudl be placed in the back to avoid them dying fast.

Round 1.

At the start of the 1 round make sure to get royal champion take as less damage possible by placing your knight or bowler at the front or in front of the royal champion.

Round 2.

There is not much to say about the second round.The main goal of that part of the game is to get as much ranged units.I reccomend
using the spear goblin or musketeer to get some nice damage on the enemies.

Round 3.

The main goal of that round is to get healing ranger.It doesnt matter if you will upgrade it to 1 or even 3 stars it just needs to heal the whole deck.Focus on the minis and the heroes placement.

I hope i helped :D


VS.MinerMinerTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Healing Ranger
Spear Goblin

For miner we have to make sure that our knight will defend the minis in the back.

1.Block knight with 2 other ranged minis or minis with a clash ability wich makes them stand in one place at the start of the round to make sure that he will tank the damage took from miner.

VS.Magic ArcherMagic ArcherTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Healing Ranger
Spear Goblin

Magic archer is a very good counter to this deck couse a few minis have a small amout of health and can be easily killed by magic acher.

1.Make sure that minis wont be close to eachother to not give magic archer much damage from his shots.

Royal champion knight defense
Healing Ranger
Royal Champion
Spear Goblin

Created Mar 7, 2022 by Ugabuga


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconKnightSpear Goblin
    6Star (Max) + 11 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerHealing RangerMusketeer

About This Deck

The deck Royal champion knight defense was originally created on Mar 7, 2022 by Ugabuga. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Bowler, Knight, Healing Ranger, Musketeer, and Spear Goblin as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 8.6, and HP at 124.

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