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AQ Melting Point 3.5K

Archer Queen

Created by Arch
Updated Feb 24, 2023


A four-two, anti-meta deck that melts the opponent's minis in just a second.


Avg CostElixir icon3.2
Avg DPSSword icon1.97
Avg HPHeart icon26.67
Archer Queen
Mega Knight



Archer Queen (Main Damage) - A hero that melts all HP it hits. Positioning depends on the enemy hero and the map, placing her in the frontline(Aggressive) with Max PEKKA and 2s Lumber Jack is ideal for a quick round while placing her on the backline(Passive) is going to be your default setup.

P.E.K.K.A. (Burst Damage/ Tank) - a mini that deals enormous damage with high HP. Best mini against Shield Maiden, Wave Master, and Countess, and to place in Seashell (Shipwreck Map) to sandwich the enemy formation with the Mega Knight.
Upgrade Order: Situational
- Normal: 3s > 1s (2s Optional)
- Control: 2s > 3s > 1s

Mega Knight (Tank/ Control) - having two tank is ideal to play the AQ deck. This mini is best to hold and control the frontline.
Upgrade Order: Situational
- Melee: 3s > 1s > 2s
- Ranged: 2s > 1s (3s Optional)

Lumber Jack (Buff) - a mini that has one role, which is to provide an Attack Speed Boost to the whole gang.
Upgrade Order: 2s > 1s (3s Optional)

Wizard (Anti-Regen) - best mini against healer(Healer Ranger and Battle Healer) and swarm(Witch) deck.
Upgrade Order: Situational
- Healer: 2s > 3s (1s Optional)
- Swarm: 3s > 1s (2s Optional)

Miner (Rear Attacker/ Dissipate)- a mini that is good in objectives such as destroying Gizmo, delaying skills, and targeting ranged units.
Upgrade Order: Situational
- Non-Skill: 3s > 1s (2s Optional)
- Skill: 2s > 3s > 1s


1st-2nd Round: this deck does not always rely on a gizmo, so you can still survive till round two without a gizmo. In round one, your opening minis are one tank (either the MK or the PEKKA) and your Lumber Jack placing in front of your tank to activate his skill when he dies. In round two, you have an option of either getting your gizmo by upgrading your tank and the Lumber Jack or adding and swapping your minis based on the enemy deck.

2nd-3rd Round: in rounds two or three, you should have a gizmo based on the enemy deck or to your need. Use your Miner and Wizard if there are minis that need to be countered, and upgrade your MK(Passive) or the PEKKA(Aggressive) based on the playstyle that needs to play.

3rd-5th Round: in the late rounds, always change the formation of your deck. Be unpredictable as possible and predict the enemy formation to gain the upper hand on the round.


- Your hero and minis formation is varied from the enemy deck, but make sure that all your minis are always in the zone of the Lumber Jack skill.

- Mega Knight should always be ahead of PEKKA to receive all the first damage as it has a higher HP than PEKKA.

- Lastly is your Miner, it should always be in the Lumber Jack zone even if it is on the other side of your formation to still gain the Attack Speed boost before it goes to the enemy backline.


Shipwreck: Bounce Seashell (Spring)
- you can place the PEKKA on the seashell tile to sandwich the enemy formation, or to scatter the enemy defense.

- you can place the Archer Queen on the seashell tile in the first round to surprise the enemy and predict its formation in round two.

Banquet Hall: Magic Mirror (Clone)
- If it is located in the front line, you can put the Archer Queen on the clone tile with the PEKKA and Lumber Jack, and let the AQ clone get hit to activate her skill, this will let them deal maximum damage while staying invincible.

- You can put the Lumber Jack in the clone tile to receive multiple rage boosts.

This deck is versatile, you can play high control(Passive) or fast round(Aggressive) based on the enemy deck. Although it has no sustain card, it has the highest DMG and DPS which is enough to finish the round before it finishes you.

With this deck, you can easily reach 3500 trophies and can be played on the Top 1000 players even with win streaks. If you find this deck useful and effective, don't forget to rate this AQ Melting Point deck guide. Good luck, and enjoy the win streaks!


Elixir CollectorElixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Archer Queen
Mega Knight

Elixir Collector will be your priority Gizmo to max-multiple minis, you can acquire this in the first round by prioritizing upgrading your 2 elixir minis. (Take note that you can intentionally lose the first round, but make it longer to collect more elixir for the second round.)

Training CampTraining Camp
Training Camp
Archer Queen
Mega Knight

Training Camp is ideal for the AQ deck as it can increase your damage over time. If you have this Gizmo, prioritize maxing your defense to let the AQ damage increase until it reaches the MELTING POINT.

Place the Training Camp in the middle at the back to have a different formation by changing from side to side (Do not place it on one side to avoid becoming predictable), then cover it with your defensive units.

Archer Queen
Mega Knight

Since the deck has no sustain, Pancaker is the ideal Gizmo for the PEKKA and Miner if you are prioritizing these two minis (Avoid using Miner if you are focusing on your PEKKA).

Place the Pancaker on the corner of your side, then put the PEKKA away from the Pancaker but still on the Lumber Jack zone to still gain the rage boost.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Mega Knight

AQ deck is the easiest to counter.

All you need to do is to deploy all your units to make your AQ the last target. Your goal here is to let the enemy AQ activate her invincibility first before yours, you can use your MK 2s and max Miner to deal damage on the enemy AQ.

If Saint Mirror is available in your Gizmo selection, place it on the THIRD ROW in the BACK to let the enemy AQ target your Mirror first. (DO NOT put your Saint Mirror in FRONT as it can easily destroy by the enemy defensive units.)

VS.Barbarian KingBarbarian KingTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Mega Knight

Max the MK and put your PEKKA near the BK to control the frontline while dealing DMG to BK until he activates his invincibility. Use Miner if it has Archer since most BK use Barcher deck.

This is also applicable against SK.

VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Mega Knight

Same to the AQ deck strat, deploy all your units to stall the Monk to kill him before it gets your AQ. DO NOT upgrade your 4-elixir units, instead, focus on upgrading on Lumber Jack boost, Wiz DMG, and Miner dissipating to delay the Monk skill.

Avoid the Monk clash to prevent his skill from filling faster.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Archer Queen

The AQ no.1 counter yet easy to counter!

Your PEKKA is your main damage here, max your PEKKA then get the Lumber Jack rage boost to increase the PEKKA ATK speed, use Wiz if needed as most SM deck uses healer units.

In formation, divide your damage dealer to both sides to avoid getting all your units from the SM clash.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Archer Queen

Same to SM deck, your main units here are the PEKKA and the Lumber, max the PEKKA prioritizing its 2s to gain cc immunity, and get the Lumber Jack 2s and 1s, to boost the PEKKA ATK speed.

You can do aggressive formation to quickly trigger the AQ invincibility with its units to deal maximum damage while invincible.

This is also applicable to Countess deck.

AQ Melting Point 3.5K
Mega Knight
Archer Queen

Created Feb 23, 2023 by Arch


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconMiner
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconLumberjackWizard
  • 4 Elixir iconP.E.K.K.AMega Knight

About This Deck

The deck AQ Melting Point 3.5K was originally created on Feb 23, 2023 by Arch. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Lumberjack, P.E.K.K.A, Wizard, Miner, and Mega Knight as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 11.8, and HP at 160.

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