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SK Surprise Spam

Skeleton King

Created by Not_SPZ
Updated Mar 16, 2023


The skeleton king is a very tanky unit paired with a strong backline he does some damage



This deck specializes in doing as much damage as fast as possible without risking any damage yourself, the Royal ghost Valkyrie and Skeleton king provide a strong frontline that is hard to kill.

some tricks include using the prince as bait and therefor protecting the backline while the Frontline is invisible, a great thing to do is to try and seek out 2v1 positions with the Skeleton king valkyrie/Royal ghost as this is where the deck shines.

Pushing troops away from the rest results in a very easy elimination for the SK, seek out these fights by positioning the main trio up close and personal to one specific troop you want to eliminate, watch out as the Monk can easily ruin your plans by shutting of the Royal ghosts ability.

The strongest card in this deck (besides the SK) is no doubt the Valkyrie being able to deal massive damage and sustain herself its important to seek her out early on to dominate later.

What the individual troops do is very important to know and to quickly summarize.

Skeleton King - Damage/Tank

Royal ghost - Support/Damage

Valkyrie - Damage/Tank

Prince - Bait/Flank

Spear Goblin - Flank

Ice Wizard - CC

The troops do a lot and are very diverse its important to keep that in mind when upgrading them, each troop is important to keep in mind as they all serve a purpose in the bigger picture.

Simple Upgrade Guide

Royal Ghost - 3rd 1st 2nd

Valkyrie - 1st 2nd 3rd

Prince - 1st 2nd 3rd

Spear - 1st 2nd 3rd

Ice Wizard - 2nd 1st 3rd


Saint MirrorSaint Mirror
Saint Mirror
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Spear Goblin
Ice Wizard

The mirror is a great way to take away focus from your backline and making the enemies weak and easy to kill.

The mirror Works best against the Archer queen Monk and Royal Champion as they risk dealing a lot of damage to the mirror and resulting in a easy victory

King TowerKing Tower
King Tower
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Spear Goblin
Ice Wizard

The king tower is a great way to Shut of the enemies buildings as focusing the attention to the strong minis protected by that certain building.

Its great against Annoying buildings such as Mucho puncho and Saint mirror.

Its also great to place in the corner to destroy Pancakers very easily.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Spear Goblin
Ice Wizard

Archer queen is very strong against slow moving minis like the SK, its important to keep that in mind.

focus on keeping the pressure high by spamming the prince and spear goblin on the spots you think there gonna play the archer queen (most likely the corner or near there)

there backline is always the strongest so focusing most upgrades on taking out the backline is the best option.

VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Spear Goblin
Ice Wizard

the countess is super annoying to fight because of her flexibility, make sure to always seek out 1v1 with your SK against her, she is super weak when alone and is going to need a lot of help from stuns/CC effects to thrive.

make sure you upgrade your Flank units to take out her backline fast.

a big tip is to control the center and one side forcing her to play a certain corner.

VS.Royal ChampionRoyal ChampionTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Spear Goblin
Ice Wizard

its definitely not easy to play against a good RC as she doesnt need a lot to deal a lot of damage, try to space your backline units so the bounce doesnt to that much chaos, and seek out the RC first as most of the time the entire deck falls apart without her.

a simple tip is to simple bait her with the prince and surprise atack her with the trio combo.

the royal champions strengths are Range Damage and Flexibility or RDF for short its important to deal with her fast as she provides a lot.

how to deal with certain aspects of RDF

R - Range

try to close as much space in beetween your troops and the RC as possible this will allow to easier eliminate her. a simple way to do that is to use the Royal ghost invisibility and get as close and personal as possible

D - Damage

space away your troops to not allow her to bounce her Shield, spaccing matters and it counters the Royal champion

F - Flexibility

Force her to play in a way that is hard for her, the RC is very flexible and is very hard to dominate, but a simple Flank unit can make her job quite annoying.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Spear Goblin
Ice Wizard

The Wavemasters stun is very annoying and hard to deal with, for sure the Wavemaster is one of if not the hardest Hero to deal with.

try to minimize him using hes super and seek out SK 1v1 against him, if he sends troops to your backline thats a loss for him as he needs all of the melee units in the frontline,

make sure you annoy him with CC from the ice Wizard so he has to send and therefor loose a precious melee troop.

the most important thing to do is to surprise him, move your troops ever so slightly every round, make sure to always eliminate hes supports/helpfull units as a Wavemaster with no help is a worthless damage sponge.

SK Surprise Spam
Skeleton King
Royal Ghost
Ice Wizard
Spear Goblin

Created Mar 15, 2023 by Not_SPZ


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSpear GoblinIce Wizard
    6Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconValkyrie
    3Star (Max) + 12 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconRoyal GhostPrince

About This Deck

The deck SK Surprise Spam was originally created on Mar 15, 2023 by Not_SPZ. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Royal Ghost, Valkyrie, Prince, Spear Goblin, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 12.1, and HP at 154.

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