A high risk high reward deck

This is probably one of the most underrated decks this meta.
Consists three 4 elixirs that are all good with sauna + monk so utilize sauna whenever you have it unless the enemy is playing bk2e, king tower or elixir collector.
Monk -DPS
Mega Knight - Tank/CC
Electro wizard - CC/DPS
Wizard - Anti-Heal
Battle Healer - Heal
Miner - Flank
Mega Knight 321
Electro Wizard 312
Wizard 213
Battle Healer 213
Miner 213
Wave Master 60/40
Archer Queen 60/40
Shield Maiden 70/30
Monk 50/50
Skeleton King 40/60
Barbarian King 70/30
Countess 60/40
Royal Champion 100/0
Always try to have battle healer heal everything in your team as it is the core of this deck. Against war toot, you want to utilize your heals to the max. Against swarms and bunkers, use mega knight, against other stuff, use ewiz. Battle healer always comes in handy but don't upgrade her all the way to the fullest unless you have a good matchup against something like archer queen or barbarian king in a mirror map.

All 4 minis are good in sauna even when against mirror, silence troops behind it and sacrifice monk for sauna

Created Mar 17, 2023 by Antt

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 13 remaining elixir
3(Max) + 10 remaining elixir
4About This Deck
The deck MONK PERMA-STUN was created by Antt. This deck uses Monk as the hero with Electro Wizard, Mega Knight, Miner, Wizard, and Battle Healer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 7.3, and HP at 172.
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