Skeleton King 3 Elixir but with Dart Goblin instead of bowler
Skeleton King - Carry
Dart Goblin - DPS
Giant Skeleton - Tank
Mini Pekka - Specialist
Healing Ranger - Heal/Anti-CC
Fisherman - Flank
Upgrade Priority
Healing Ranger 1/3/2
Fisherman 2>1/3
Giant Skeleton 1>3>2
Mini Pekka 2/1>3
Dart Goblin 1>2>3
Barbarian King 30/70
Archer Queen 40/60
Monk 60/40
Shield Maiden 60/40
Wave Master 70/30
Countess 90/10
Skeleton King 50/50
Royal Champion 100/0
Barbarian King 2 Elixir
Play Giant Skeleton's 1st and 3rd star to kill all squishies, fisherman 1st and 3rd star to kill archer, mini pekka dissipate against Barbarian King and fisherman against enemy archer. Pull enemy backline either archer or wizard. It doesn't matter if you accidentally pull a barbarian or a lumberjack. Always put your skeleton king behind your fisherman to wipe the enemy setup. Against BK2E, don't use healing ranger unless you have saint mirror. Place saint mirror in the back and kill enemy archer with it. It can also distract an enemy dissipate miner.
Play Skeleton King to whatever carry that is isolated. The enemy cannot lob anything to your side of the arena without being isolated and taking lots of damage while giving little amounts of value. Fisherman counters dart goblin, musketeer or healing ranger while Giant skeleton 1st star is really helpful against your opponents' squishy tanks. Dart Goblin is mostly unused until you have a good healing ranger with most stars. Mini Pekka can be used for dissipate against swordsman and wave master.
Play Fisherman to counter their backlines. Healing Ranger will always come in clutch to heal up your entire team. 3 star dart goblin is always useful against the enemy while giant skeleton 1 and 3 star will nuke the enemy team. Mini Pekka is unused unless you are facing against Mega Knight.
Created Mar 19, 2023 by Antt
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 7
About This Deck
The deck SK3E 2.0 was created by Antt. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Giant Skeleton, Dart Goblin, Fisherman, Healing Ranger, and Mini P.E.K.K.A as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 9.3, and HP at 153.
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