So many aggressive plays here
Use knight's mock ability and throw it far with WM, every mini will target him. Your ice wizard is for only against BK, Monk and SK. Bandit, WM and RG will be a great synergy. They get super while invisible and once both WM and Bandit get super, its game over. Miner is also a mini that is technically invisible (underground). He will be at the back for pressure. This deck also excels against Tanky/Heal decks too. Bandit with the stealing, WM with the stuns, RG with the isolation damage and Ice Wizard with the slows can ruin it all for them.
King tower against any gizmos. This deck is extremely less dependant on gizmos. Do it against all other gizmos.
Quick upgrades needed.
WM, Bandit and Miner at the back always. Pancake will be useful.
Created Apr 29, 2023 by UpperMembership5167
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 9 (Max) + 4 remaining elixir5
About This Deck
The deck WM Aggression was created by UpperMembership5167. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Royal Ghost, Bandit, Ice Wizard, Knight, and Miner as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.9, and HP at 161.
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