Invisible Counterattack
Elixir won't be a problem, you will always be able to use 2 troops each round.
Use the invisible passive as a last resort turning invisible as many range minis as possible.
Giant Skeleton:
Useful with +5 Dmg, even more with extra area.
Place it in the Frontline, it should tank and be the first to die, place it always in the middle so the bomb covers half of the board.
Your backlane will do the rest.
Dart Goblin:
Level up for unlimited range so it stays behind the queen and lines up with the range healer. Level up for more DPS (not good against Shield Maiden)
Level up to drain energy.
Use it near Heroes or ability-minis so they don't use their ablities.
Range Healer:
Try to Line up with the entire squad (specially the range team close to the queen).
Level up for +2 heal if necessary.
Gives more DPS to the backline and recoils melees. (Use it if there is no Pounch Gizmo or it si not enough).
I don't find her necessary for the deck, but is very useful against the Monk or the Skeleton King.
Plaze the Punch so that it mostly pushes and stuns the melee minis away (specially the melee Heroes).
If they use Countess, Bandit or Miner, which go to your backline, place the Pounch in the 3rd row and 2nd or 4th column to perma-stun them against the wall (bait).
Just against another archers, try to activate their passives faster than yours.
Who uses the invisible passive earlier usually looses.
This Gizmo is pretty new for me, but I think it works great with dart goblin.
Try to keep using the AQs passive to make them in invisible.
Created Jun 21, 2023 by Fireboter
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 7
About This Deck
The deck Unfair AQ Deck was originally created on Jun 21, 2023 by Fireboter. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Dart Goblin, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Giant Skeleton, Healing Ranger, and Musketeer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 7.7, and HP at 127.
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