The deck utilizes a game mechanic we’re the prince can charge through the royal ghosts clash ability giving it invisibility. Start of the game you want to not use elixir and wait til you can see opponents hero and mini placements. Then you want to squeeze as much value out of royal ghost while also setting up clash minis like miner, spear goblin, and prince. Swordsman is in there for extra bulk and damage. It’s ideal to put your spear goblin behind the prince to get boosted damage on a mini or hero but if that doesn’t work it’s better to use spear goblin when .picking off squishy minis in the open. Miner can be used to knock back back line minis while utilizing its 2 combos with backstab cleave or dissipate cleave depending on what it’s targeting. Do not forget the power of dissipate in this deck.
Monk is an issue because you don’t want to have it lane up your royal ghost and prevent the clash ability from going up so just place skelly king first then place minis. Also have princes third ability on as fast as possible to stun lock monk
Mini Pekka sucks cause of dissipate is against skelly king so using royal ghost as support for the skelly king so he can get close really helps
Miners not that big of a problem, but dissipate is a strong ability to watch out for the sneaky miners placed in the back
Created Jul 21, 2023 by Colininja
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6 (Max) + 9 remaining elixir3 (Max) + 12 remaining elixir5
About This Deck
The deck Skelly King Clash was created by Colininja. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Miner, Spear Goblin, Swordsman, Royal Ghost, and Prince as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 13.2, and HP at 142.
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