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Dart Goblin Ramp Up

Wave Master

Created by ClashingGoblin833014
Updated Jul 22, 2023


While your troops distract dart goblin builds up an insane hit speed



To start I did not make this deck it is Enchatin's but I thought I would make a guide for it, hope you enjoy!

General upgrade order:

Mega Knight: 3-1-2
Ice Wizard: 1-2 only sometimes you need the clash ability
Dart Goblin: Usually 1-2-3 but if your opponent has grand warden use its 3rd star before its 2nd
Guard: 2-3-1
Prince: I'm not too sure but I think you can do any order depending on situation

Round 1: For round 1 you can either not place anything or place the Mega Knight but I would usually not place anything

Round 2: If you win round 1 Place a Mega Knight and upgrade its first and third path. If you lose the first round the same as if you would have won but place the Dart Goblin in the bottom right hand corner

Round 3: Max out your Mega Knight and upgrade your Dart Goblin if you can. Now would be a good idea to decide what lane you want your Prince in. You can defend your units using Ice Wizards clash ability or placing the Guard in front of the units under attack

Round 4: Keep upgrading your Dart Goblin and upgrade your remaining troops

Round 5: This is the most crucial round, do whatever you can to try and outwit your opponent if you haven't placed a unit yet try and use it to trick your opponent. Hope you win!

Magic Tiles

Zap Zone
Zap Zone

Gain AOE stun

Gain AOE stun

For this tile, I would use Wave Master as this unit has high hp and will stun your enemies units a lot


+7 Energy

+7 Energy

For this tile, I'd use either Wave Master or Mega Knight as these are the only 2 cards that have a charge


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

For this tile if its nearer the front use Wave Master but if it is nearer the back use Dart Goblin


VS.Grand WardenGrand WardenTwo Swords
Wave Master
Skeleton Guard
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight
Dart Goblin

Against Grand Warden use the Dart Goblin's 3rd path to shred the shield and place your Wave Master higher up so mega knight can infiltrate the enemies backlines easier

VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Wave Master
Skeleton Guard
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight
Dart Goblin

For Archer Queen I'd place your Dart Goblin higher up so it can reach more units easier. Also place Wave Master higher up against ranged Champions so you can get to the backlines easier.

VS.Electro WizardElectro WizardTwo Swords
Wave Master
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight
Dart Goblin

Put your Prince in the same lane as the Electro Wizard and place your Dart Goblin a bit higher up.

VS.Royal GhostRoyal GhostTwo Swords
Wave Master
Skeleton Guard
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight
Dart Goblin

Just make sure you can stun the Royal Ghost

VS.Magic ArcherMagic ArcherTwo Swords
Wave Master
Skeleton Guard
Ice Wizard
Mega Knight
Dart Goblin

Against Magic Archer place Prince in the same lane and try make sure that your Dart Goblin will not get hit.

Dart Goblin Ramp Up
Skeleton Guard
Wave Master
Mega Knight
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

Created Jul 22, 2023 by ClashingGoblin833014


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSkeleton GuardIce Wizard
    6Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconDart Goblin
    3Star (Max) + 12 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconMega KnightPrince

About This Deck

The deck Dart Goblin Ramp Up was created by ClashingGoblin833014. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Skeleton Guard, Ice Wizard, Mega Knight, Prince, and Dart Goblin as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 8.2, and HP at 169.

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