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Updated Dart Goblin ramp up

Wave Master

Created by ClashingGoblin833014
Updated Jul 23, 2023


Destroy the new meta (used at 3000 trophies!)



General Tips: If you go against a ranged Champion I would recommend placing your Wave Master in the 2 front rows but if you go against a melee Champion place your Wave Master in the 2nd or 3rd row. Remember the main aim of this deck is too build up your Dart Goblin by slowing and stunning with your other troops. This deck is very good in the current meta as Dart Goblin and Valkyrie have paths which eliminate shield, so this is probably one of the best counters against the Grand Warden. The main weakness to this deck is the Archer Queen and the Wave Master so if you lose these match ups it is probably expected. You can win every scenario with the cards in this deck so you always have the chance to win.

General Upgrade Order:

Swordsman: 3-1-2
Dart Goblin: 1-2-3 (3-1-2 if against Grand Warden)
Ice Wizard: 1-2 (Only sometimes you need the 3rd, you can also get the 3rd path first if needed)
Valkyrie: 1-2-3 (You can get the 3rd path earlier if the enemy healing is a problem)
Electric Wizard: I would usually recommend going 3-2-1 But you can go any order

Round 1:

If against Countess: Place nothing
If against Barbarian King: I would place Swordsman behind Wave Master
If against Archer Queen: Place nothing
If against Royal Champion: Place nothing
If against Natureborn: I would place Swordsman behind Wave Master
If against Skeleton King: Place nothing
If against Shield Maiden: Place nothing
If against Monk: Place nothing
If against Grand Warden: Place nothing

Round 2:

If you win the first round, Place your Swordsman behind the Wave Master if you haven't already and then place your Dart Goblin in the bottom right corner and upgrade it to its first path. If you lose the first round and your opponent has a melee unit place your Dart Goblin and place it in the bottom right corner and get it to its 1st and 2nd path and then place your Swordsman behind the Wave Master if you haven't already

Round 3:

This is probably the most crucial round if you are 2-0 down you need to think hard about this. Is your opponent exploiting one of your units? If so try and prevent this, but if you can't leave the unit and upgrade the other troops. If you are winning 2-0, you can chose to not place anything this round and save your elixir or you can just keep upgrading your units. If you are currently 1-1 just keep upgrading your troops and make sure that your dart goblin is protected at all times the ice wizards clash ability will come in clutch for this.

Round 4:

For this round, scout your opponents weakness and do what you can to exploit them. Continue to make sure that your Dart Goblin is protected at all times.

Round 5:

This is the final round. Do whatever you can to try win, this may include placing your troops in different areas and upgrading an unusual path. Think outside the box this round. Hope you enjoy this deck and win playing it :D

If you have any questions my user is ShadowClan and I am in the guild 30 Compadres feel free to join :D

Magic Tiles


+7 Energy

+7 Energy

I would place your Electro Wizard or your Wave Master on this tile


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

For this tile, you can put any troop on this tile, but I wouldn't recommend placing Ice Wizard.

Zap Zone
Zap Zone

Gain AOE stun

Gain AOE stun

For this tile, I would place your Wave Master or Electro Wizard.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Wave Master
Dart Goblin
Ice Wizard
Electro Wizard

Against Archer Queen I would place my Dart Goblin a bit higher and try to get the Swordsman up to the Archer Queen. To do this place your Wave Master higher up.

VS.Royal GhostRoyal GhostTwo Swords
Wave Master
Dart Goblin
Ice Wizard
Electro Wizard

Against Royal Ghost, as long as your Valkyrie is attacking other visible troops this shouldn't be an issue. this deck has a lot of stun and slow so this shouldn't be your biggest problem.

VS.Grand WardenGrand WardenTwo Swords
Wave Master
Dart Goblin
Ice Wizard
Electro Wizard

Against Grand Warden I would use the Dart Goblin's 3rd path and the Valkyries 1st path

VS.BowlerBowlerTwo Swords
Wave Master
Dart Goblin
Ice Wizard
Electro Wizard

Against Bowler use the Ice Wizard's clash ability

VS.Magic ArcherMagic ArcherTwo Swords
Wave Master
Dart Goblin
Ice Wizard
Electro Wizard

Against Magic Archer just try and make sure that your Dart Goblin won't get hit

Updated Dart Goblin ramp up
Wave Master
Electro Wizard
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

Created Jul 23, 2023 by ClashingGoblin833014


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconValkyrieDart GoblinSwordsman
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Updated Dart Goblin ramp up was created by ClashingGoblin833014. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Valkyrie, Dart Goblin, Ice Wizard, Electro Wizard, and Swordsman as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 8.4, and HP at 161.

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