Counter other Royal ghosts with swordsman

Round 1: Place RG beside Grand warden.
Round 2: Upgrade RG ⭐️1 and 3 -place swordsman beside RG
Round 3: Upgrade Swordsman ⭐️1 and 3
Round 4: Place either prince or Mini pekka(mini pekka with⭐️3)
Round 5: if RG isn’t carrying upgrade him ⭐️2
And place guard ⭐️2
Round 6: Max out Swordsman or place all minis down
TL;DR ⭐️guide
Royal ghost: 3>1>2
Mini pekka: 3(if needed)
Guard: 2>3
Prince: X
Magic Tiles

+1 ATK permanently every round
+1 ATK permanently every round
Grand Warden is OP on this tile.
Any other troop can be useful on this tile but priority is on GW.

-40% HP to self and to the farthest enemy
-40% HP to self and to the farthest enemy
Guard is great for this.

Become a random Mini that costs 1 more Elixir but keeps same Stars
Become a random Mini that costs 1 more Elixir but keeps same Stars
If mini pekka isn’t needed use it
If mini pekka is needed use Guard

MINI Pekka with discipline

Swordsman with both his boast ability’s👍

Place guard to tank the miner

Created Jul 23, 2023 by Quinn222

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 14 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Grand warden RG deck was created by Quinn222. This deck uses Grand Warden as the hero with Mini P.E.K.K.A, Royal Ghost, Prince, Swordsman, and Skeleton Guard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 10.9, and HP at 137.
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