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GW Marcher

Grand Warden

Created by Rottenbanana
Updated Jul 28, 2023


Marcher destroys everyone



I will refer to ice wizard as ice wiz, magic archer as marcher and skeleton guard as guard throughout this guide.
General upgrade guide:
Ice wizard: 1>2>3 can be changed if prince to 3>1>2
Magic archer: 3>2>1
Skeleton Guard: 2>3>1 or 3>2>1
Knight: Any order but I like 1>2>3 or >2>1>3
Prince: Doesn't really need an upgrade but remember 3 stuns

Round 1: Get marcher in the corner, if no marcher, place no minis.
Round 2: Upgrade marcher, if no luck again try using the minis you got to counter them.
Round 3: Marcher 3 star and if possible use ice wiz to block in and slow opponent.
Round 4: Prince MUST come to use at opening up/ attacking the opponents carry. This can be done at any other stage. Use guard and knight to get more shields and to distract their minis from your prince.
Round 5: Upgrade your minis and win (hopefully).

Make sure to remember to cycle your minis so that you can get the required ones.

Dart goblin is a hard counter though, so use the prince on that if possible - not right away in case they have a defender.

There is a video, but it is not mine so I have not linked it, however it is called: PUSHING On Ladder To 3000 Trophies In Clash Mini! by Mosi. There is a couple of videos titled this by them though so look for this one. Otherwise, you can watch their pushing decks!


VS.PrincePrinceTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Ice Wizard
Magic Archer
Skeleton Guard

The prince I show is the opponent's so ... BEWARE!

Use Ice wiz with 3rd ability to block it or place guard in front. I will show both.

Other option: you can also use prince to block if there is no other choice. Both princes are stunned though. It is mostly luck of whose gets sent back.

VS.FishermanFishermanTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Ice Wizard
Magic Archer

Same as Prince - using ice wiz's 3rd ability is the only way though.

GW Marcher
Skeleton Guard
Grand Warden
Ice Wizard
Magic Archer

Created Jul 27, 2023 by Rottenbanana


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce WizardSkeleton GuardKnight
    9Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconMagic ArcherPrince

About This Deck

The deck GW Marcher was originally created on Jul 27, 2023 by Rottenbanana. This deck uses Grand Warden as the hero with Ice Wizard, Magic Archer, Skeleton Guard, Knight, and Prince as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 8.9, and HP at 122.

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