Many aggressive minis to make you win

This deck here reigns supreme like Pekka Bridge Spam, constant pressure and aggressive. You have Ewiz to stun, Bandit's 2nd star ability, Fisherman stun and Wave Master's super. OP isn't it? Also this deck is quite popular in the ladder.
Round 1: Bandit only with Wave Master
Round 2: Bandit first 2 star (if less energy minis then 2nd star only and ewiz deployed)
Round 3: Fisherman if the opponent has dangerous backline minis like Witch, Natureborn, Ewiz etc.
Round 4 and forward: Upgrade Ewiz as first priority if you are not winning so that he will pack more punch in the arena.
Bandit: Great combination with WM with catapult and wipes out everything. 1st star always and if not then 2nd star and 3rd star when some elixirs left.
Ewiz: 2nd and 3rd star abilities as always. Keep him back with Ice Wizard to protect him against Bandit and Miner. Also he is useful for clutches.
Mini Pekka: Your tank dissipater+Protector against Bandit and Miner players. Also Mini Pekka with 2nd ability will be so helpful as Ewiz, Fisherman and Wave Master has stun and same for Bandit.
Fisherman: Your backline killer+Support.
Ice Wizard: To slow the enemy without any worry of having energy. Also if the enemy prince is annoying you, use his 3rd ability.
Specific matchups where you must go different in putting minis (it is mentioned in the matchup section)
Also any unnecessary tile you see, just not put your minis there. Healing, Energy and Clone tiles, Wave Master will always work well in that.
Gizmos are no longer available but if they come back then pancake is your best option.

Monk is probably your hardest matchup as he prevents Bandit from using her super and prevents your Wave Master's clash and Fisherman from using their ability. Best you only put Wave Master and Ewiz first and put wave master at the edge to not get him hit by the Monk's ability. Ewiz and Mini Pekka with dissipates are your best minis to deal with Monk. Use Fisherman to deal with Witch and other stuffs at the back.

He has no energy and same for his allies, Game Over? Nope, Ewiz and Fisherman stun will help Mini Pekka ALOT. Put Ewiz and Ice Wizard far away from Fisherman so that they won't die easily. Bandit may be used if the match is going more intense plus she can be used for distraction.

Created Aug 7, 2023 by UpperMembership5167

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 14 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck WM aggression was originally created on Aug 7, 2023 by UpperMembership5167. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Fisherman, Electro Wizard, Bandit, Mini P.E.K.K.A, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 9.5, and HP at 165.
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