If enemy doesnt play Fisherman, its won

Upgrade Guide:
Witch: 1>2>3 against units with boast 2>3>1
E-Wiz: 3>2>1
Knight: ONLY BANDIT: 2>3
Prince: dont at all
1. Place Natureborn in the front row in the middle. Empty your shop exept for Witch and Ewiz and sell all units. You only want to play Natureborn. Im experimenting a bit at the time, but you can place E-wiz in the 2nd or 4th row at the back, if you dont face Wavemaster or Countess.
2. Play absolutely nothing.
3. Now you want to do many things. Place Natureborn in one of the bottom edges. Play E-Wiz next to her with 3rd upgrade at least. Place Witch next to E-Wiz. I would go for 2nd upgrade on E-Wiz in most of the games. In many games, when enemy plays many single target damage units, Witch 1st upgrade is better. Go for as many upgrades on them as possible.
4. Max out E-Wiz if enemy has played many units. If not, max out Witch. You could use Knight to kite the enemies backline to your advantage.
5. If you face a fisherman and havent lost already, you can prince him. Max out your Witch and E-Wiz. Should often be a gg.
Sadly no gameplay in this guide, because my smartphone is too low on percentage to take a video :(
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Magic Tiles

+7 Energy
+7 Energy
This tile is pretty good for all the units. If you need to stun at clash, place E-Wiz there. If you need more damage in the first secounds, place Natureborn there. If you need more frontline, place Witch there.

Other playstyle here:
1. Same as normal: Play nothing.
2. Place Natureborn in one of the edges AWAY FROM BANDIT and Pekka 1 tile IN FRONT of the tile, where bandit lands. go for 1st and 2nd upgrade.
3. Go for E-Wiz next to Natureborn and go for his 2nd upgrade.
4. Max out Pekka and go for 2nd upgrade on E-Wiz.
5. Prince his Wavemaster and Max out E-Wiz. Place your Knight in one of the front edges away from your team, so Bandit dashes on him.

Created Aug 8, 2023 by Seesbude

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 13 remaining elixir
3(Max) + 10 remaining elixir
4About This Deck
The deck [Top 200] Natureborn Witch was created by Seesbude. This deck uses Natureborn as the hero with Knight, Electro Wizard, Prince, P.E.K.K.A, and Witch as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 11.3, and HP at 151.
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