Heal 30% HP over 2s to self and 4 nearest allies.
Transforms to Deer Form in the front 2 rows. (Deer Form is an attack-focused bruiser with 4 attack damage, 60 HP, 1.0 attack speed)
Promotion 1
When Super overheals, the target gains 2x attack damage for 6s
Promotion 2
When Super overheals, the target gains +1 energy
Promotion 3
+1 attack damage and +15% attack speed every 5s
Natureborn Counters
Natureborn has two different forms that could be countered in a couple of various ways. In human form, she uses ranged attacks and grants Energy to allies. In deer form, she has a higher HP and grants an attack buff to allies. Both forms, however, rely on her Super to heal allies. So, having units that can drain energy and reduce healing will be an effective strategy to keep Natureborn from supporting her team. And to accommodate both forms, try to lead attacks on both the frontline and backline.