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{Top 50} Post Balance WM Control

Wave Master

Created by Eastside
Updated Aug 9, 2023


WM, Bandit, Ice Wizard provide control and Marcher deals tons of dmg


Avg CostElixir icon3.2
Avg DPSSword icon1.78
Avg HPHeart icon26.17
Wave Master
Magic Archer
Ice Wizard


Hi all, I am Eastside. By the time I post my guide, I am 34th in the world ladder, I am happy to share my deck with you.

Basic Idea: Upgrade to level2 Bandit/level3 Magic archer depending on your opponent's deck, use ice wizard to provide control, and use bowler/fisher man to counter your opponent's key minis in the last few rounds.

Here's the upgrade guide for each minis:
Bandit: I generally do not upgrade to level3, because with 1st and 2rd abilities it can already stun lock your opponent, I would invest my elixir to Magic Archer to provide more damage. The only scenario I upgrade it to level3 is when I want to gamble a 3-0 against another wave master.

Magic archer: I will upgrade to level3 if the opponent's deck counters my Bandit.
Ice wizard: I will upgrade to level 2 to provide more slows, and sometimes I will use ice block to protect my Magic archer.

Fisherman: Pull ranged units such as Witch, E Wizard..., also can use it to cancel other mini's Clash abilities, such as Miner, LumberJack, Royal Ghost...

Bowler: Counter the other Bandit, or when your opponents place ranged units in one column.

Strategy against different Heros:
Wave master: It's a lot based on luck. Place your Wave Master and Bandit on the wing to reduce the chance the other Bandit stun-lock you. In the first 2 rounds, upgrade your Bandit with the first 2 abilities. If you win both rounds, you can consider upgrade your Bandit to level 3 and place the Ice Wizard in the other corner. If you do not, then place your Ice Wizard and Magic Archer on the 2 corners. Upgrade your Ice Wizard with first 2 abilities and Magic Archer with 3rd ability in the following rounds. After that, upgrade a Bowler with the last 2 abilities to counter the other Bandit. Use FisherMan to counter your opponent's Miner, Bowler.

NatureBorn E Wizard:
In the first 2 rounds, upgrade your Bandit with the first 2 abilities and I'm sure you will win them. Then your opponent will place NatureBorn, E Wizard and Witch to a corner, use FisherMan with 2nd ability to pull them. Watch out Prince, You can usually win it 3-0.

NatureBorn Pekka and Shield Maiden:
In the first round, place your Wave Master and Bandit on the wing. In the 2nd 3rd rounds, upgrade Magic Archer with 2rd 3rd abilities, Ice Wizard and aim the hero. After that you can upgrade the Bowler with 2rd ability to stun the hero. The key is to kill the hero asap. Use Fisher Man to pull the ranger units to the front, so that your Magic Archer can pierce them.

Archer Queen and Grand Warden:
In the first round, place your Wave Master and Bandit on the wing. In the 2nd 3rd rounds, upgrade Magic Archer with 2rd 3rd abilities and aim the hero, and place Ice Wizard for more control. Your opponent must have place the minis close to each other, use Bowler and FisherMan to punish them.

In the first round, place your Wave Master in the middle column and do not put any mini. In the 2nd 3rd rounds, place Bandit behind Wave master, upgrade Magic Archer with 2rd 3rd abilities, and place Ice Wizard to slow down Countess. The key is to prevent Countess from stacking attack speed, try to kill Countess asap and don't place low level minis.

Other heros:
I did not meet in the 2700+ ladder, but I would use a similar strategy against them.

Some tips:
Sell the unit you don't need so that next round will refresh more minis.
Surprise your opponent with your Bowler and Fisher Man in the last few rounds.
Try to bait your opponent's Prince before you place Bowler, Fisher Man.

Those are only my guide, it does not cover all scenarios. I hope you will enjoy the game.

{Top 50} Post Balance WM Control
Wave Master
Magic Archer
Ice Wizard

Created Aug 8, 2023 by Eastside


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconFishermanBowler
  • 4 Elixir iconBanditMagic Archer

About This Deck

The deck {Top 50} Post Balance WM Control was originally created on Aug 8, 2023 by Eastside. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Bandit, Magic Archer, Ice Wizard, Fisherman, and Bowler as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 10.7, and HP at 157.

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