Archer go gratatata!! Great deck for Gizmos
Round 1: place pekka
Round 2: upgrade pekka twice
Round 3(if opponent is using WM,Countess,BK, Deer, SM): Place Giant Skelly (boom boom)
Round 3:(if opponent is not using those heros):
Place witch and archer, upgrade archer.
Round 4:make sure archer is upgraded once and witch is placed and upgraded. Place guard if you can.
Round 5: Archer should be maxed out and giant Skelly upgraded (if needed)
Round 6: max out guard
Pekka: 3>1>X
Archer: 3>1>2
Witch: 3>X>X
Guard: 2>3>1
Skelly: 1>3>2(situational)
Tiles & Gizmos
Archer will be BUSTING NUTS EVERYWHERE with this placement
(Because of her ⭐️3)
This is the best gizmo for this deck
Only use this gizmo if facing ugly monk
+1 ATK permanently every round
+1 ATK permanently every round
Placing an archer on this tile is the greatest thing since pong released.
Place archer ASAP on this tile
If tile is in front 2 rows place NB or Pekka.
Don’t let countess go crazy only place melee troops
Make sure that monk SUFFERS
Archer devours witch when she’s maxed out
Created Aug 11, 2023 by Quinn222
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6 (Max) + 10 remaining elixir6 (Max) + 4 remaining elixir3 (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Natureborn + big daddy pekka (fun) was created by Quinn222. This deck uses Natureborn as the hero with Archer, P.E.K.K.A, Witch, Skeleton Guard, and Giant Skeleton as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.3, and HP at 133.
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