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NB Pekka Chaos


Created by RIP6114
Updated Aug 14, 2023


Now updated and way better than i previously did. Crushes WM [⚠️loose if no luck at all]



Been playing normally and then see this [Awesome] Wavemaster bandit wich isn't super annoying to face :D ?
Been crushed to death because you can't even see your mini hitting a single attack?
Well this deck i made uses the Pekka with The Immunity update to Wipe WM bandit in a matter of seconds.
This deck got a variant wich I think is as op as the main deck but if noff says its better well ig it is.

Now full tutorial on Matchups/Mini:

NB Is really good to cycle minis. In first round place 4th or 2nd lane at the front in the non specific matchup or the general uses.
If the opponents is a Maiden go for the wings of the boards (1st / 5th lane) and still at the front to avoid getting halfed damage. If WM then comes da interesting part, Place ur NB 1 tile back at 2/4th lane, you want ur NB to be as close as possible at the bandit drop and quickly clean ur minis to get maxed pekka without using any reroll, you don't want to loose to rng don't u? If gods is in ur side NB can solo WM bandit by herself.
Recap : NB without any mini round 1 2/4l if WM, if not NB Pekka, if Maiden go wings. If your placement is far from bandit use the move ability from NB to be close to her (Still experimenting, I'm adapting to the results)

Pekka is just too op rn, can sweep anything and gets a 100% crit x3??? So for early game u should place Pekka behind NB in the not WM case, round 1 there's 4 case =>
-Opponent NB, place Pekka next to NB
-Opponent WM, don't place Pekka round1, r2 place it in front of NB
-Opponent Maiden, Behind NB
-Anything else, Behind NB diagonally

The upgrades are => always+50% crit chance => if pekka is stunned or WM bandit invicible => then X3 crit damage
Buy 3rd upgrade if no stuns

Kyte the key component of opponent = exemple ares WM, lumberjack, and ranged troups...
If it's an Archerqueen clown deck 🤡 ( the one with Marcher) you wanna use it at the best case, like dont kyte a troup next to ice wiz and the most important fact! Don't use fisherman till yiu have 2 wins and elexir/good troups. Hazard troups are meant for a surprise because now we cant move them, its easily countered. They Usually protect queen cause if they didn't you could kyte queen rlly easily.

Supports Pekka or used to protect from Hazard
Buffs NB and Pekka to destroys Front and bandit.
Get clash ability then longer buff.
(Exemple bowler damage does 20 damage 1 star while a 2 star LJack got 18hp) I see way to much people doing a mistake by upgrading 3⭐ LJack. The 20% boost doesn't affect the potion, its ONLY the mini!!
Get a placement where it can't be fished for a safer mind!!!

Ice wiz: if its WM bandit place it in the back side, at far as u can from NB to avoid getting stun locked pekka by bandit.
Upgrades: 30% freeze > AOE > Immunity [In this deck I never used it once, pretty much never needed]
A new use to ice wiz is front line immunity upgrade to get the target of high damaging troup, its used to counter pekka, Marcher, dispite upgrade Mpekka...

Marcher : I don't know how to use it but usefull when witch, so all imma gonna say is go somewhere else to learn how to use Marcher
BTW PEKKA > MARCHER So Dont prioritize range over tanks

The general position shown is actually best scenario against WM with a bandit in range of the pekka.
Ill be pushing with this deck to face the meta so imma be updating my rank rn LEGEND III

I'll try doing a video about the deck later
Good luck🥸🗿🥂

Magic Tiles


Clone a Troop with 30% HP

Clone a Troop with 30% HP

Don't play this deck on this mode just play archer queen or shield maiden

Elixir Boost
Elixir Boost

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

Place NB on tile even if it's in the back, You Need this early elixir evenif its 1 !


VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Magic Archer
Ice Wizard

Follow guide! Here's placement.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

Follow guide here's placement!

VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

Follow guide here's placement!

VS.NaturebornNaturebornTwo Swords
Magic Archer
Ice Wizard

NB pekka is kinda like this, imagine pekka facing ice wiz and lumberjack to time the maximum hits possible. Ur pekka will win if his pekka is hitting useless troups.

VS.NaturebornNaturebornTwo Swords
Magic Archer

NB bait deck, they will place deer with nothing and then go at back with witch and electro wizzard. In this cas and only case, get 2 ✨ Pekka and max Marcher

NB Pekka Chaos
Ice Wizard
Magic Archer

Created Aug 12, 2023 by RIP6114


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconFishermanLumberjack
  • 4 Elixir iconP.E.K.K.AMagic Archer

About This Deck

The deck NB Pekka Chaos was originally created on Aug 12, 2023 by RIP6114. This deck uses Natureborn as the hero with P.E.K.K.A, Fisherman, Magic Archer, Lumberjack, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 12.5, and HP at 142.

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