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gw clash

Grand Warden

Created by pri23
Updated Aug 15, 2023


got me #1 don't what else to say lol


Avg CostElixir icon3.6
Avg DPSSword icon2.12
Avg HPHeart icon21.83
Grand Warden
Magic Archer


grand warden is a super good support hero, provides shield, attack speed, and his shields also explode, bro's a mini mini giant skeleton.
usually you lose r1, but that's ok, since gw scales with the amount of troops on board.
now what are the roles for each mini in the deck:

magic archer- main dps carry of the deck, this guy is unbelievably strong with gw that extra attack speed is insane. upgrade order depends on match up, but 3rd star is usually first upgrade, 2nd star 2nd if they have 2 or more ranged units r1, 1st star 2nd if they have more melee units. finally finish up the last star asap in r3.

bowler- he is your knock back unit and is super helpful in stunning or knocking back so magic archer can get good line ups. don't really recommend upgrading him much cause most of the times he get's princed or hooked by fisher, but that just allows your magic archer to get less pressured by these clash units and he will still tank a bit damage giving time for your magic archer to pop off. if you do want to upgrade go for stun first, dmg 2nd, never 3rd star because its not that good.

prince- the holy protector, his only job is to protect magic archer from getting hooked by fisherman, if they use fisherman on something else he now becomes a hitman/tank. but remember always be scared of fisher, that's why keep the front two column tiles free so u can place prince to block fisherman hook. now you be thinking, "but pri what if it's a 50/50 and it's last round where do i prince, stupid game only luck based!", you are not really wrong about it being luck based. BUT, i have a neat trick, if they have less than 9 elixir last round that means they can only get 1 upgrade on fisher man meaning if he wanted to pull from 2nd tile from end of board he would have to get hook 3 enemies, but it only hooks 2 rows, which means even if does hook you, you still have super chance to win. so always go at last column prince if they have less than 9 elixir and haven't played a fisher yet. only viable upgrade for prince is pony dont get anything else, won't work in this deck.

fisherman- man this mini is so underrated, he can be played defensively or super offensively, he is so good to punish rookie mistakes people make often. you can stop bowlers which could hurt you magic archer and don't even have to waste prince for it! now you have to keep in mind that 2 minis counter fisherman, ice wiz and prince. you shouldn't generally play him till last round unless two conditions are met, first they played ice wiz but it's not next to the carry, 2nd if said carry is not in last row, you should rush fisherman instantly cause now you just win. now if you have saved fisherman till last round and they haven't showed a prince yet, we are back to 50/50 point, but in this case its mostly luck, i dont really have a strategy for this at all, but you should try to be super unpredictable and go for the most awkward placement to pull, if they don't have carry in corner and you have all front 3 rows empty your chances to win go from 50/50 to 66/33. (Note: the case in last few lines is only if the carry is in backrow, if not you can just hook if there is no iwiz.)

bandit- Last but not least, if magic archer is the ace of the deck, she's the joker in this deck. IF for any reason you opponent plays 2 energy mini, its time to 2 star bandit, she now becomes the 2nd carry and in this case you most probably leave your magic archer at 2 stars. you can also use her as a mini tank so she isn't completely useless if they dont have 2 energy units. also getting stun in this case sometimes get you pretty good stuns.

You can replace ice wizard for bandit in this deck, but i personally don't like it, putting ice wizard in means you lose to sm and nb a lot, also i feel it's useless to freeze magic archer against fisherman and prince does a better job to protect, because the freeze makes your magic archer useless for first 3 seconds of match.

Other general tips are:
dont reveal your minis except magic archer too quick.
cycle useless minis in hand to keep shop empty for next round.
manage elixir.
last but not least pray to rngesus for no stupid rng.

Magic Tiles

Launch Pad
Launch Pad

Launch a Troop across the board

Launch a Troop across the board

don't play this deck on this tile.


Clone a Troop with 30% HP

Clone a Troop with 30% HP

best tile for warden, just mirror warden on regardless of where tile is, and on next tile clone prince and get pony upgrade. you will 95% of the times, if you lose it was a misplay on your part.

Elixir Boost
Elixir Boost

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

meh tile for the deck, mostly because no one in deck can generate a lot of elixir, put gw on tile mostly. don't really recommend playing the deck on this tile because dart goblins are gonna run rampant on gw's shield.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Magic Archer

vs queen you lose r1, r2 you want to get bowler to stun queen, if he has magic archer diagonally behind queen u go for bowler 2nd row only stunning queen. you will win r2 and r3 90% of times if the board goes like that. if the magic archer is behind queen place bowler row 1 stunning both units, this is enough to win r2 and r3 with marcher and gw. r4 and r5 look for mistakes in their positioning and take advantage of fisher.
this is the hardest match up usually.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords

unless they have a 3rd energy mini in corner then you can play bandit one tile ahead of where enemy bandit lands, still a risky play, use bowler to stun bandit and use fisher to pressure enemy's secondary carry( dart goblin, witch or whatever). prince can also be used to kite the bandit.
wm is one of the more easier matchups.

VS.NaturebornNaturebornTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Magic Archer

match up is a bit hard but can beat.
r1 you lose, r2 you bowler the nature born, get 1 star magic archer and place bandit you should win. r3 you get bandit stun. if he moved his nb just pull it with fisher and stun for 3 seconds. keep prince on standby since most nb pekka decks have fisherman.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Magic Archer

play gw magic archer r1, if he places battle healer r1 instantly go for bandit next round and get first upgrade. if he plays pekka, look at which lane pekka is and put bandit same lane but in this case dont upgrade bandit instead get magic archer 3rd star. if he doesn't play anything r1 he will lose r1, and you should just get 1 star magic archer and wait to see what he plays. as soon as you see battle healer play at least 1 star bandit. use bowler to knock back sm. always put bandit 2nd row!

gw clash
Grand Warden
Magic Archer

Created Aug 15, 2023 by pri23


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerFisherman
  • 4 Elixir iconPrinceBanditMagic Archer

About This Deck

The deck gw clash was created by pri23. This deck uses Grand Warden as the hero with Prince, Bowler, Fisherman, Bandit, and Magic Archer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 18, DPS at 12.7, and HP at 131.

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