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The 3 Goblins

Barbarian King

Created by Mini_Master
Updated Sep 15, 2023


An interesting triple goblin deck that dishes out tremendous damage.



Overview: This is an interesting and also fun deck to play. Surprisingly, this works well! Once, I beat a player with Skeleton King, P.E.K.K.A, Magic Archer, ... Truly a high DPS deck!


Barbarian King: Use his ability to dish out tremendous amounts of damage with other minis. He is also very tanky, so the backline should be able to survive.

Archer: Get her 1st ability (+1 target). This is what makes her so good. She is basically Miner but at the back! With Barbarian King's ability, she can hit a mini (or even 2!) with 4 damage! Get her ability that gives her a hitspeed buff when she gains a damage buff. This mini is truly underrated!

Battle Healer: Use her to keep Barbarian King and Dagger Goblin alive. This will let Dagger Goblin only use his Invisible ability when absolutely needed. Her 3rd ability (+1 energy to allies healed) makes Barbarian King get a nearly endless damage buff!

Dagger Goblin: Protect him with Barbarian King and Battle Healer while he dishes out dizzying amounts of damage! All of his abilities are useful. Do not ever hesitate to upgrade him! You can swap him out for Barbarian, if you think you do not need him.

Spear Goblin: He specialises in KOing minis at the start of the round. Use him to destroy those squishy but devastating minis and that, may be why you won the round!

Dart Goblin: A machine gun. End game, he is basically impossible to stop! He is effective against minis with a shield, so he is a great counter to Grand Warden.

Below is an awesome video showcasing the strength of this deck. Please support me by watching it directly from YouTube. Don't forget to subscribe! For more awesome decks, please click into my Noff Profile Page at Thank you!

Magic Tiles

Zap Zone
Zap Zone

Gain AOE stun

Gain AOE stun

Use it with Barbarian King and then Battle Healer as they both have high hitspeeds. If you want to use it on Dart Goblin, it would be for protecting the backline. Therefore, put Spear Goblin and Archer beside him.

Elixir Boost
Elixir Boost

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

Absolutely Dart Goblin. He just gets so many hits. Do make sure to get his infinite stack ability. Alternatively, Archer is also a great choice as you can upgrade her to get 2 hits at a time, and also get a hitspeed increase on getting the damage increase with the Barbarian King. This is also a very viable option.


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

You would want to use it on Battle Healer, so if she is healed, she can heal other minis. Simple right?


VS.WitchWitchTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Battle Healer
Dagger Goblin
Spear Goblin
Dart Goblin

Ah! Yes, the skeleton spawner, so devastating to deal with those hordes of skeletons. Try to get Spear Goblin to deal some damage to the Witch at the start of the round. Make sure Archer is on the opposite corner of the board so she can target the Witch, bringing her down.

Archer has an ability to give her x2 damage when KOing a mini, so use that in tandem with her increased hitspeed with damage increase ability, as always. The best counter to Witch.

VS.MinerMinerTwo Swords
Barbarian King
Battle Healer
Dagger Goblin
Spear Goblin
Dart Goblin

Place either Battle Healer or Dagger Goblin at the back to finish off the Miner, which wrecks the backline. After Miner is KOed, they will return to the frontline. Dagger Goblin is recommended for this job as Barbarian King may die too early without receiving any healing.

The 3 Goblins
Barbarian King
Battle Healer
Dagger Goblin
Dart Goblin
Spear Goblin

Created Aug 21, 2023 by Mini_Master


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconArcherDagger GoblinSpear Goblin
    9Star (Max) + 5 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconDart Goblin
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconBattle Healer
    3Star (Max) + 11 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck The 3 Goblins was originally created on Aug 21, 2023 by Mini_Master. This deck uses Barbarian King as the hero with Archer, Battle Healer, Dagger Goblin, Spear Goblin, and Dart Goblin as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 8.9, and HP at 125.

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