This deck was post from top 1 player in X (twitter)
Obviously you use Royal ghost to make Skeleton king and Dagger goblin invisible. Use Skeleton guard and Barbarian for defense. And use Spear goblin to help with clash ability.
Step 1:
At first round you will definitely use Royal ghost at the middle and make Skeleton king invisible. You have 2 elixir left. You can use it for every other mini, but:
1. Never buy Spear goblin at first round.
2. You can place everything else but you can keep it by buying and selling for free reroll.
Step 2:
You usually will win the first round but if you lose your opponent have to use all of his elixirs. Now if you bought 2 elixir mini at first round you will try to find Dagger goblin and upgrade it to second star. If you didn't bought anything (except Royal ghost) and you did the free reroll you would have 9 elixir instead of 6 and have high chance of getting three stars Dagger goblin. It will be the best if on round 1 you have Royal ghost and Dagger goblin but never use rerolls for round 1.
Step 3:
Usually at round 2 people start using their minis so at round 3 put Spear goblin behind the invisible trio and put it where it will be the most useful. If you have zero star Royal ghost and Dagger goblin three stars then you can upgrade Royal ghost or put defense. If there are clash abilities use Skeleton guard to defend it (except if the clash ability is from: Heroes or Baller). If there are no other clash abilities use Barbarian at top-right or top-left (where is more useful). If you choose Barbarian upgrade it to third star. If you choose Skeleton guard it doesn't matter how you will upgrade it. If you lose last round now you would have 3 more elixirs (or 4 if you lost first round too). If you have 3 elixirs buy Barbarian. If you have 4 upgrade Royal ghost.
Step 4:
If you lose all three rounds sorry it's happening sometimes, but this is how to play this deck. If you reach round 4 you should definitely put all of your minis down. If you already did that upgrade Royal ghost to three stars and then upgrade the others by your choice (the way they will be the most useful).
Step 5:
If you reach round 5 continue upgrading and good luck.
Magic Tiles
Clone a Troop with 30% HP
Clone a Troop with 30% HP
You should never go for a tiles but if it matches this strategy you can swap Skeleton king and Dagger goblin to clone Skeleton king but they have to be on the same road and become invisible from Royal ghost. After the second clone tile show you can use Spear goblin if can hit and if the tile is on second two rows.
+7 Energy
+7 Energy
Do what I said for the clone tile to charge Skeleton king's ability, but don't use it for anyone else because they don't have chargeable ability.
Gain Invisible for 6s
Gain Invisible for 6s
You can use Dagger goblin on visible tale and with Royal ghost make Skeleton king and Barbarian invisible. Second tale use if it matches this strategy for Spear goblin (if it spawns on the back) or Skeleton guard (if it spawns on the front).
If it hits the Royal ghost then don't use anything else on his line. If he put it on where should be Dagger goblin then don't put anything there as well.
Separate your team and don't try to cover Royal ghost/Dagger goblin/Skeleton king.
Hit P.E.K.K.A. with Spear goblin first star. Barbarian and Skeleton guard on him with first stars too. And try not to block your Skeleton king so he can go as fast as possible on the front. You should kill P.E.K.K.A. as fast as possible because most people use it with Nature born or Grand warden to make it impossible for defeating it.
Created Aug 22, 2023 by Playeryti
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 12
- 3 (Max) + 12 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Obviously the best deck was created by Playeryti. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Dagger Goblin, Barbarian, Royal Ghost, Spear Goblin, and Skeleton Guard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 12, DPS at 10.6, and HP at 132.
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