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GW Stun Swordsman go crazy

Grand Warden

Created by BombardingGiant162559
Updated Sep 4, 2023


Let swordsman with GW have fun



Prioritize first round swordsman with starlevel 1 and 3, next place skele guard starlevel 2 and then on place your mini's the way the opponent is playing for instance bowler to counter Archer queen or bandit for mini's with energy abilitys.

There is not much info about the mini's except bandit is meta right now and swordsman is very underrated so have fun with this deck😃

Magic Tiles

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

Place GW on if in the last two rows and other place bowler for stun if it is on the front 2 rows.


Gain Invisible for 6s

Gain Invisible for 6s

Swordsman is always good on this tile doesnt matter if it is in the front or back as long as it gets his shield from GW (4 closest targets). So put him as one of the 4 closest

Launch Pad
Launch Pad

Launch a Troop across the board

Launch a Troop across the board

Dont play this deck on this tile. Your main stragety is to hold the enemie back so that GW and e-wiz can support Swordsman.


VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Electro Wizard
Skeleton Guard

For this instance monk is midfront (middle of first row). Play guard for dustraction and so he pops his ability, bowler for stun and bandit for energy drain if possible starlevel 1 and 2 so he gets stunned and cannot pop his ability.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Skeleton Guard

(WM bandit is in middle front 2 tiles) For WM bandit dont put ewiz and swordsmaster because bandit can drain, put bowler to stun, and place guard for distraction. Then let bandit drain energy from the opponents bandit.

GW Stun Swordsman go crazy
Skeleton Guard
Electro Wizard
Grand Warden

Created Sep 4, 2023 by BombardingGiant162559


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSkeleton Guard
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerSwordsman
  • 4 Elixir iconBanditElectro Wizard

About This Deck

The deck GW Stun Swordsman go crazy was created by BombardingGiant162559. This deck uses Grand Warden as the hero with Bandit, Bowler, Electro Wizard, Swordsman, and Skeleton Guard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 9.8, and HP at 135.

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