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Stun to KO

Royal Champion

Created by Mini_Master
Updated Dec 26, 2023


Tank with Knight and Mega Knight, while Royal Champion wrecks the board with her shield.



Overview: Losing too many games? Your backline dying at the start of the game? Don't worry. I have a solution; play Stun and KO! This deck relies on a tanky frontline and a solid backline to win matches. I defeated Monk players before, just with the backline. When upgrading minis in a match, I most of the time will prioritise the backline. At the start, prioritise Musketeer and Healing Ranger to be put on the board. Don't put down Knight, Mega Knight, or Swordsman as they can be used to protect the backline from Clash abilities. All the placements here are just general placements. Please change them to counter different situations as I will never know what is on the opponent's side of the board. When playing this deck, maxed Musketeer and Healing Ranger along with the Royal Champion is an unstoppable combo!

Royal Champion: Use her to stun and take out minis from afar. Cleaning up low health but high damage minis is key in every single match.

Healing Ranger: If you are facing problems with the opponent stunning you, get her Unstoppable. If the backline is being affected by Miner or Archer, which stacks up so much damage without being targeted, she can heal the backline back, rendering Miner and Archer useless.

Musketeer: Get all 3 upgrades and get an impenetrable defence. She can push minis away from her and stun them, while continuing to shoot them and charge up her ability again. Then it repeats until the mini is KOed. She can also help the frontline advance further into the other side, so that they will reach those pesky minis hiding at the back.

Swordsman: He is in the backline to protect the backline from Miner and minis that get to the back either by Wave Master or the Bounce Tile. After dealing with those Isolated minis, he will go to the frontline to slap enemies with his fish! Otherwise, put him behind Mega Knight and Knight as he is very squishy when he only has none or 1 star. You will rarely be upgrading him anyway. You can swap him out for Barbarian as he is cheaper and easier to upgrade.

Mega Knight: Use him for stun and tank. His last ability suits him as a tank, for he takes many hits. He can be used to block Clash abilities.

Knight: You use him to tank for Mega Knight at the start and also to divert some units, so that Mega Knight will not die so fast. He and Mega Knight can be played in later rounds to shield the backline from Clash abilities. Those are powerful but also easy to stop. He will be upgraded quite commonly, as he is the only 2 elixir mini in this deck.

Magic Tiles

Elixir Boost
Elixir Boost

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

+1 Elixir every 7 hits

Use this with Royal Champion as she hits really fast and her ability grants her bonus hits. If your Swordsman is able to use his ability quite often, using it on him is also a very wise choice as every ability, you will get 1 elixir. Upgrade his 1st and his last ability to get an almost never-ending stream of hits.


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

Try to heal Swordsman as he can deal lots of damage if not taken care of. Use it on Royal Champion as she can tank for Healing Ranger and Musketeer. Healing Healing Ranger is also wise as if she is alive, she can heal other minis. Musketeer is what protects and sometimes what makes you win, so you might also want to heal her.

Zap Zone
Zap Zone

Gain AOE stun

Gain AOE stun

Swordsman, as he is protected by Knight and Mega Knight, so he won't die so easily. You can also use it against Miner by using it on one of the backline minis.


VS.WitchWitchTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Healing Ranger
Mega Knight

Royal Champion and Mega Knight can take care of that. Upgrade Mega Knight so that his ability hits a larger area. If he keeps getting swarmed by skeletons, get his ability for gaining energy when hit. This will result in a lot of stuns.

VS.PekkaPekkaTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Healing Ranger
Mega Knight

When countering P.E.K.K.A, Musketeer is very important for keeping her at bay. P.E.K.K.A will die quite fast if your minis target her and they stun, rendering her mostly unable to attack.

VS.MinerMinerTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Healing Ranger
Mega Knight

Miner is the absolute enemy of this deck. Put Swordsman at the back so that her can finish off Miner. They usually 3 star their Miner so that Musketeer and Healing Ranger cannot use their ability and die quicky. Remember! They are crucial in winning!

Stun to KO
Mega Knight
Royal Champion
Healing Ranger

Created Sep 10, 2023 by Mini_Master


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconKnight
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconHealing RangerMusketeerSwordsman
  • 4 Elixir iconMega Knight
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Stun to KO was originally created on Sep 10, 2023 by Mini_Master. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Healing Ranger, Musketeer, Swordsman, Mega Knight, and Knight as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 7.9, and HP at 161.

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