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Royal Champion Stun-Damage Deck

Royal Champion

Created by Itz_Ayush_Mini
Updated May 20, 2022


Offensive deck that utilises high damage dealers along with the Royal Champions



Royal Champion is a great hero. She can deal a ton of damage if she can chain supers & is really tanky to be the last one standing. The only main issue is that she doesn't deal much damage with her normal attack. You need to keep her alive not only to dish out a tons of opponents at once, nut also have a chance to utilize her Lonely Ability to secure your win.

Spear Goblin & Mini PEKKA are your major damage dealing mini. Putting Spear Goblin with his Strong Arm Ability behind Mini PEKKA almost guarantees a kill, and if not, Mini PEKKA is going to clean sweep them. Having it right as the second round starts is a good play, since you will be able to dish out many support units & tanks right of the bat. Mini PEKKA, if penetrates inside the opponents area, can absolutely destroy any living organism he finds, specifically with his Hack Hack Ability. If somehow your opponent is lucky & kills both of them before the match ends, don't worry, because by that time, Royal Champion would've charged her super & would be dealing some serious damage.

Bowler & Barbarian have a different role. They are damage dealers, but more preferably, they are going to be your tanks. Bowler stuns enemies at the corner right as the round starts, so that Mini PEKKA can go in easily to take those stunned units, especially if you have Bowler's Crushing Ability. If your Bowler manages to stun opponent hero, your Royal Champion will use her super first. And by that time, Mini PEKKA & Spear Goblin must've destroyed the tanks. So, Royal Champion can just chain her super, along with her Epic Throw Ability, she can just destroy the leftovers. Upgrading Bowler all the way to 3 stars is difficult but worth it, because it is going to stun more & deal more damage, and most importantly, tank 6 more health. A 2 star Barbarian ramps up the damage quickly, shredding through opponents & tanking all the way to the end.

The Archer should be positioned far backwards, tanked by the Royal Champion. She is your basic support as well as backline damage dealer, as she destroys the backline quickly with her Archery & Rush Ability. If she lives longer than the opponents want her to, it is just guaranteed win. But beware, the opponents can trick you with some placements, especially with the Shield Maiden, so watch out for that.

Their are very less minis & heros that can hard counter this deck, but if they don't have those certain cards, they will lose in like 20 seconds. A quick note, always prioritise to deal damage rather than to save your cards. Remember, this deck has offensive playstyle.

Upgrade sequence :->

Round 1 - Spear Goblin & Mini PEKKA (5 Elixirs)

Round 2 :-> Bowler, Barbarian & Spear Goblin's Strong Arm (6+1=7 Elixirs)

Round 3 :-> Archer, Barbarian's Endless Rage & Critical Ability (6 Elixirs)

Round 4:-> Mini PEKKA's Hack Hack Ability & Bowler's Crushing Ability (6 Elixirs)

Round 5:-> Archer's Archery & Rush Ability

Note :-> You may change this sequence according to the situation, most preferably for Bowler's On The Roll & Damage Abilities. You can also upgrade other abilities.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Spear Goblin
Mini P.E.K.K.A

Against the Archer Queen, send your Barbarian forward to tank for the Royal Champion. Most of the Archer Queen decks contains Spear Goblin, and its your sole responsibility to prioritise & save the Royal Champion, just play a bit defensive & bring your tanks on the map as soon as possible. Barbarian can also overwhelm the opponents front unit, but he is supposed to die. Pushing him forward is a noble strategy to gain momentum. Remember, Barbarian is more of a Tank in this deck. Put your Bowler in the same row as that if the Royal Champion, so that Miner doesn't cause much trouble to her.

VS.Barbarian KingBarbarian KingTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Spear Goblin
Mini P.E.K.K.A

In many Barbarian King decks, you are going to fine one common thing, Tanks. Focus on saving your precious ranged minis, as they are going to outrange those tanks. Bowler & Royal Champion can be placed openly, as they are tanks, but save your Archer & Spear Goblin by turning Barbarian into a death porter. Archer should be placed along with Spear Goblin in the same row, as well as the Barbarian, so that you can tank two of them with only one mini. You will have to change the whole row placement if you change the placement of Spear Goblin. Mini PEKKA should always be placed in the row next to the Bowler, to utilise that stun for his benefit.

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Royal Champion
Spear Goblin
Mini P.E.K.K.A

Bowler completely counters Shield Maiden. Same as the Barbarian King Strat, move the whole row if you are moving the Bowler & try to predict your only target, Shield Maiden. Spear Goblin's Strong Arm Ability along with Bowler's Damage Ability can bring down her HP to less than half. But missing those shots can be punishing. Since she is going to be a frontier unit most of the times, use Barbarian to to ramp up damage quickly before she uses her super to kill. Mini PEKKA comes handy after her super, as he can deal damage even with the shield, therefore put him in the second row so that all frontier units focus on your Barbarian.

Royal Champion Stun-Damage Deck
Mini P.E.K.K.A
Spear Goblin
Royal Champion

Created May 20, 2022 by Itz_Ayush_Mini


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconArcherSpear GoblinBarbarian
    9Star (Max) + 6 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerMini P.E.K.K.A
    6Star (Max) + 6 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Royal Champion Stun-Damage Deck was originally created on May 20, 2022 by Itz_Ayush_Mini. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Archer, Spear Goblin, Barbarian, Bowler, and Mini P.E.K.K.A as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 12, DPS at 10.6, and HP at 113.

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