Generally you want to play sk in the third row down
Don’t be afraid to sack the sk to stall for back lane troops
Sk main use is to find isolated enemies to burst them down
Secondary use is to be a tank in certain match ups
Place it second row down usually want to place it diagonally from the sk
It’s placed there to make a wall for back lane minis
Dark armor 1st priority in most games
Bigger radius and more stun are interchangeable depend on the opponent
Stun upgrade is when they don’t have unstoppable and have many front lanes
Bigger radius is for dagger goblins and mid ranged troops that cause problems
Place it anywhere where it can get value
It’s mainly used to round out the deck in games
If they have any clash abilities targeting the back lane block it with Lj
This should cause it to die and give rage to surrounding troops
Just use it to hurt back lane troops and after that it should target front lane as delayed support if undefended
Using miner usually makes opponent panic and ignore everything to focus miner giving you the opportunity to upgrade front lane
Place back lane behind mk or sk don’t be afraid to not place it behind them that’s why Lj is here
is used as a late game carry during frenzy
It counters miner fairly well with the 2 shot upgrade stunning it and with a decent amount of health it should give time for an ewiz or sk to kill it
Upgrade what ever her upgrade are all good
Place back lane behind mk or sk don’t be afraid to not place it behind them that’s why Lj is here (also put it near musketeer for its clash ability if needed)
It just used for stuns and it’s just annoying to go against
I personally found that replacing musketeer with wizard was a good choice if you you struggle with golden giants or other healers also its a great source of damage
Created Sep 20, 2023 by Thanksdt1
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir65
About This Deck
The deck Sk CC was originally created on Sep 20, 2023 by Thanksdt1. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Mega Knight, Electro Wizard, Miner, Musketeer, and Lumberjack as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 11.6, and HP at 169.
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