Pick fury and support shred.
ROUND 1- Star by placing the pink fury and you should be able to Solo most round 1's. In shop if I have got healing ranger or battle healer buy out the other cards then sell them.
ROUND 2- If you won I would suggest doing the same shop method again and if I have a battle healer place it down so you still have enough to 1 shot most mini's.
ROUND 2 - if you lost to get a 1 star battle healer down on it's bottom upgrade.
ROUND 3 - If you are winning 2 - 0 then upgrade you battle healer to 2 star on the bottom and top upgrade. Keep doing the buy and sell trick in shop to get what you need.
ROUND 3 - If you are losing 2 - 0 or tied 1 - 0 try to max the battle healer. Make sure to keep 7 elixer spare at all times. If you have maxed battle healer start doing the shop trick and refilling to get ice wizard and Ealing ranger. You will want forty get these max as soon as possible without having less then 7 elixer.
ROUND 4 & 5 - Try to max both ice wizard and healing ranger. If so and you still have a lot of elixer left place a miner behind pink fury and upgrade the bottom tom path, then the middle path, then the top path. You will still need more then 7 elixer though.
If you played against someone with witch or you just manage to get a lot of elixer place electro wizard next to ice wizard and upgrade it as much as you can whilst still having 7 or 8 elixer left over.
Created Sep 29, 2023 by FightingVampire304394
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir65
About This Deck
The deck Pink killing machine was created by FightingVampire304394. This deck uses Pink Fury as the hero with Battle Healer, Healing Ranger, Ice Wizard, Lumberjack, and Electro Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 8.9, and HP at 155.
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