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Archer Queen Season 3 Top Meta

Archer Queen

Created by CM_Trolley
Updated Jun 4, 2022


Completely protect the Archer Queen



- Archer Queen: Base on your opponent’s deck. If your opponent has Archer, try to place a mini or two behind your Queen. This will make your opponent’s Archer targets them, not your Queen.

- Giant Skeleton: If your opponent’s deck has a lot of front-line minis, try to upgrade him to two or even three stars. He will deal massive damage and stun upon death.

- Golden Giant: This mini is reliable. If you are playing at Shipwreck map, make sure to put him behind, he will prevent your opponent’s mini which was put on the Shell from attacking your Queen.

- Bowler & Musketeer: These two minis are a little bit tanky and can also deal stun to your opponent’s troops.

- Lumberjack: This guy is a mini tank in your deck. He has decent HP and can buff your team damage, too.

-> Conclusion: This deck is currently in the Season 3 meta. It has a lot of stun and high HP minis. Make sure to protect your Queen well and she will shine.


VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Giant Skeleton
Golden Giant

This formation will make sure there is space between your minis. Therefore, when the Countess uses the ability, he will have to move a long way to attack the next target.

When your Queen cast her ability, this formation will make sure the Bowler & Musketeer receive the hit speed increase, too.

VS.ArcherArcherTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Giant Skeleton
Golden Giant

Place one or two minis behind the Queen so make sure the Archer won’t target her.

Archer Queen Season 3 Top Meta
Archer Queen
Golden Giant
Giant Skeleton

Created Jun 4, 2022 by CM_Trolley


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerMusketeerGiant SkeletonLumberjackGolden Giant

About This Deck

The deck Archer Queen Season 3 Top Meta was originally created on Jun 4, 2022 by CM_Trolley. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Bowler, Musketeer, Giant Skeleton, Lumberjack, and Golden Giant as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 9.1, and HP at 147.

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