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SM Dart Turret 3K+

Shield Maiden

Created by Arch
Updated Nov 8, 2023


A longer round means higher DPS.



- although the SM got nerfed this recent update, she can still counter a lot of heroes due to her KO ability where she can gain 50 shield, enough to bring the round into a frenzy mode.

Shield Maiden (Tank/Counter) - SM is one of the heroes who excels in her role. With her, you can focus your build into dmg since her alone can protect your whole deck.

Wizard (Debuff/DPS) - Wiz is one of the essential minis when playing SM, the Wiz anti regen ability allows her to maximize her super counter. Great counter against healer units and horde.
Upgrade order:
- 1s/3s (if the enemy does not have sustain)
- 2s/3s/1s (is the enemy have sustain)

Ice Wizard (Debuff/Support) - IW is a must mini combined with the Wiz and the DG. He can help to delay rounds by slowing and weakening their dmg. Great counter against the core of the enemy deck.
Upgrade order:
- 3s/1s (if the enemy position is scattered)
- 3s/2s/1s (if the enemy position is compact)

Dart Goblin (DPS/Finisher) - DG is best to use with SG as she covers the main weakness of the DG. DG requires charging time to fully maximize DPS. Great counter against tanks.
Upgrade order:
- 1s/2s/3s

P.E.K.K.A (Tank/Burst) - Pekka is your main protector in the back line, since SM can only defend one side, Pekka can fill her weakness. Great counter against the backline attacker.
Upgrade order:
- optional (if the enemy does not use CT or WM)
- 1s/2s/3s (if the enemy uses a lot of control)
- 1s/3s/2s (if the enemy does not have control)

Prince (Sabotage/Support) Prince is a must when building a deck, as he can counter most sabotage in the game. Great counter against enemy sabotage and tanks.
- optional (most of the game, the prince does not require an upgrade to do his role)

- the main goal in this deck is to delay the rounds to fully benefit when using DG.
- most of the time, only DG, Wiz, and Ice Wiz can be fully upgraded in 5 rounds.
- if the enemy has CT or WM, fully upgrade the Pekka as her alone can finish the match easily.
- you can upgrade the prince to his 3s to delay the RC boast ability.
- in the first round when unsure, only deploy the wiz to win a round.

- this deck can win an average of 8x in every 10 matches.
- this deck can be used in every tile.
- this deck excels in gizmo mode as you can upgrade the wiz and ice wiz first to get an early gizmo.
- this deck is ideal for those who want to climb up in ranking smoothly and stress-free as there are no conditions for this deck to not use such as the tiles type.
- this deck is beginner-friendly, meaning the complexity of the deck is easy to grasp with a little practice.

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Tiles & Gizmos


Clone a Troop with 30% HP

Clone a Troop with 30% HP

- although this deck can be played in every tile, this deck excels much more when it comes to clone tiles as you can clone every mini and your hero, increasing the number of your win streak.
- if the first and second tiles spawn in the first two in the front line, you can place the SM first then the Prince.
- if in the back line, the DG first then the Pekka.
- this deck also gains an advantage when playing the following tiles:
- Healing
- Empower
- Elixir Boost

Elixir CollectorElixir Collector
Elixir Collector
Shield Maiden
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

- prioritize upgrading the Wiz or IW first to get the early Gizmo.

Training CampTraining Camp
Training Camp
Shield Maiden
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

- prioritize upgrading the Wiz or IW first to get the early Gizmo.
- you can predict the enemy formation by placing your IW in an early round, making them focused on one side, keeping your gismo and DG safe.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

- since this deck doesn't have a backline attacker (really tho, Miner now is so easy to counter he is currently useless at the moment, either they might add a new mini or buff the Miner in the next update), the ranged hero might be a problem, especially if they have a healer which makes the SM super kinda useless.
- this is where the wiz will shine, if they have a healer, max him first to deal damage and debuff.
- try to release all your deck to divide the AQ super in your frontline. But use the prince in the last round only, you can upgrade him to his 3s for an extra decoy to AQ. Your goal here is to not let the AQ reach your DG until he reaches his maximum DPS.
- you can surprise the enemy in last round by using the prince, targeting the AQ to quickly activate her invincibility. Upgrade his 1s for dmg, 2s is optional.

VS.Royal ChampionRoyal ChampionTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

- when facing RC, try to play head-on.
- place the Pekka on the opposite side to divert the RC super.
- upgrade the IW 3s first to protect your squishy from RC Super. You can also use the Prince 3s.

VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Shield Maiden

- just max the Pekka, that's it.
- applicable against the WM.

VS.Pink FuryPink FuryTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Ice Wizard
Dart Goblin

- this should be easy as delaying the round will increase your advantage against them.
- do not put anything in the first round to observe the enemy formation, keep your squishy away from Pinky.
- applicable against the Monk

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords
Shield Maiden
Ice Wizard

- when facing the same hero, focus on maxing the Wiz and IW.
- follow by placing the pekka near the enemy SM, then the DG with his 3s to easily shear SM shield.

SM Dart Turret 3K+
Shield Maiden
Dart Goblin
Ice Wizard

Created Nov 8, 2023 by Arch


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconIce Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconWizardDart Goblin
  • 4 Elixir iconP.E.K.K.APrince

About This Deck

The deck SM Dart Turret 3K+ was originally created on Nov 8, 2023 by Arch. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Wizard, Ice Wizard, Dart Goblin, P.E.K.K.A, and Prince as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 9.2, and HP at 168.

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