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Counterplay Natureborn🍃 deck


Created by sodom
Updated Dec 6, 2023


Full guide how to play counter deck with natureborn🍃 or carry with electro wizard⚡


Avg CostElixir icon2.6
Avg DPSSword icon1.25
Avg HPHeart icon20.67
Electro Wizard
Skeleton Guard


Some minies n hero tips:

1. Most of the time i try to 2 star my electro⚡ for damaging 5 enemies and stun (+2 energy is really good but you should choose it when there are minies with silence or who can kill your electro⚡ really quick)

2. Knight🗡️ is really tanky the main upgrade that you should choose is 5 shield per 1 enemy taunted, other are also good but choose' em if you need your natureborn🍃 to survive more

3. Musketeer💥 has incredible ability to knock enemies, first upgrade for what i go is super strikes 2 enemies, if you need more stun then choose it for second upgrade (4 energy over 2 seconds is nice pick if you need to protect electro⚡ or get stun/knockback faster)

4. Miner⛏️ is maybe the least used mini in this deck but definitely not least. The only upgrade that you should choose is -2 energy per hit if you play against electro⚡ or other minis that rely on their abilities. Other upgrades for him are just waste of elixir in that deck.

5. Guard⚰️ is tanky support, mainly i try to get him at least 1 star because he can do barely nothing without upgrades. You should vary your upgrades on situation, if you need more tanks, then choose 12 shield. If you need your natureborn🍃 or knight🗡️ survive, then go for ally shield.

6. Natureborn🍃 - the only way how you should play it is in buck form, because she can be a really good tank and deal more damage. Try to upgrade her for lvl 15 because she becomes actually playable only on this lvl

Some gamepay tips:

1. Try to isolate your electro⚡ and musc💥, because if they overheal they'll get 2x damage for 6 sec (on lvl 15)

Magic Tiles


Clone a Troop with 30% HP

Clone a Troop with 30% HP

First clone tile is always wiz⚡

Second is rather musc💥 or miner ⛏️ (go for miner in only cases if you need to annihilate minies like witch🧹 or other electro⚡ n musc💥)


+7 Energy

+7 Energy

For first energy tile place an electro⚡

For second you go for a musc💥


Heal 6 HP every 3s

Heal 6 HP every 3s

Depending on possition try to place your natureborn🍃 (only if the tile is placed on first two rows, so your hero can stay in buck form)

If it is placed far from 2 first tiles, try musc💥, electro⚡ or miner⛏️

Counterplay Natureborn🍃 deck
Skeleton Guard
Electro Wizard

Created Dec 6, 2023 by sodom


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconKnightMinerSkeleton Guard
    9Star (Max) + 5 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconMusketeer
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro Wizard
    3Star (Max) + 11 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Counterplay Natureborn🍃 deck was originally created on Dec 6, 2023 by sodom. This deck uses Natureborn as the hero with Electro Wizard, Musketeer, Knight, Miner, and Skeleton Guard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 7.5, and HP at 124.

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