Let wave riding go through the back line and with the two wizards the dps is crazy

Cons: There is not much of a beefy unit in this deck meaning that you'll have to target them out or switch out mini or swords for a bigging unit. Another problem is that wave riding could be killed very fast against a monk if they have the right things to power it up and they put it on the same tile.
Why is this a good deck? The damage is just crazy for the ground and ranged attack sense they will be dying while in the air from the wave master. Keeping the wave master and wizard alive is the most important part about this deck since they can wipe out 2-4 four units together.
Wizard: Make sure your wizard is well protected and cannot be killed by a front line attacker if somebody dies. Do not place the swordsmen to early sense your opponent might have a miner in which you will need him for that.
Substitutes: You could take out a bowler for somebody like a spear goblin if you are playing against people with high damage dealing people. An electro wizard for an ice wizard is risky but could be a very good move if you play the right deck because of the high stuns you could be doing while everybody else is charging up supers.
Wavemaster: If the person you are facing is relying heavily on ranged units then you can flip a swordsman back and have him go crazy. They will start firing on somebody in front of them. If they have a monk in the middle in which he gets his super really fast you need to place the swordsman where I have placed it in the guide. If you do this it will kill the swordsman and will not have it super for a while and after the wave master had his.

Just make sure when the miner gets back there that the sword fish man will be there to protect

Created Dec 13, 2023 by fradog83

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 16 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Wave riding dps was originally created on Dec 13, 2023 by fradog83. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Bowler, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Ice Wizard, Swordsman, and Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 8.4, and HP at 160.
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