DECK 1. Check the other 2 OP decks in my profile. Updated.
Take out Valkyrie, add Mini Pekka. This dismisses for Clan IV, but Mini Pekka works well against Monk and Natureborn.
No Hog Rider? No issue. Get another Clan unit, or something that can fit well in the deck. I suggest you go for Clan IV if you don't have the Hog Rider!
No Giant? I assume that if you don't own the Giant you probably don't have the Hog Rider as well. Add the Giant Skeleton and the Witch instead of these two.
Round 1: Place Giant in middle top tile, leave RC where she is.
Round 2: Get the Villager and upgrade it to its first promotion. Place the Prince to push the enemy frontline backwards (place it behind the Giant, for example). If you get the chance to upgrade the Royal Champion, go ahead, but check the last part of this guide*
Round 3: Upgrade the villager if you haven't already. You can get her second upgrade as well, but it's situational. Get the promotion if you haven't already and play around your units! The Hog Rider is better to place it once they've moved their hero so they can't dodge him, or into their backline.
Round 4+. Play with the upgrades and watch your royal champion STACK.
Last Round: If you have enough elixir, you could play with the Giant upgrades. HOG RIDER! If you haven't already.
When to get FIRST promotion?
It recently got buffed, and it's the strongest promotion right now.
- Shield Maiden decks
- Archer Queen decks that don't play with Witch (if you're against an AQ i suggest you wait until you know if they have the Witch to upgrade it).
- High sustain decks (except Monk decks).
- Other Royal Champion decks (situationally)
- Got promotion round 3+ so can't stack.
When to get SECOND promotion?
- Goblin decks
- Generally Low-HP decks
- Witch decks
- MONK + LOW HP DECKS: If you don't carry Mini Pekka, Monk counters you. If you manage to stack your second promotion, it's easier to kill him, though. Third promotion works fine against Monk as well.
When to get THIRD promotion?
- You could get it anywhere, but the other two are kinda the strongest right now so if you see a medium/low-HP deck that has no goblins you can go for it! It's the most versatile as it requires just attacks from the RC but I think it's better to go for situational 1/2 currently.
Magic Tiles
+7 Energy
+7 Energy
Place the Royal Champion on this tile. This deck isn't the best with this tile anyway.
+10 ATK but -80% HP
+10 ATK but -80% HP
Last round, if the enemy has 1 heart, you can place your stacked Royal Champion (3rd prom) on this tile (if it's safe to) with the second upgraded villager (some healing) to clutch your games. Otherwise you could Mini Pekka, etc. This deck isn't the strongest for this tile.
Heal 6 HP every 3s
Heal 6 HP every 3s
Villager, Mini Pekka.
You essentially lose this one. Maybe with the Valkyrie you have a chance but SM is too OP especially with the Battle Boxer so there's no chance you outheal/dmg these ones. Play for the first promotion and both Villager upgrades, push the Boxer/Healer backwards, place the Hogrider to their Ranged Healer and pray for the best.
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
- 4
About This Deck
The deck TOP 500 RC DECK was originally created on Dec 16, 2023 by diego_es. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Hog Rider, Valkyrie, Giant, Prince, and Villager as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 11.6, and HP at 149.
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