no clue, it just works (10 win streak)
THIS WAS FIRST MADE AT: Monday - December 18th 2023
(so i can say/picture this better, ima say the boxes as if it were battle ship)
HORIZONTAL = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- keep in mind this is probably not the best it could possibly be since im only level 31
- If you have any suggestions or questions, my DISCORD is: gravity64
- Also some parts may make no sense, and thats because im too lazy to go back and read it all over and over and over again
Wave Master - amazing stun (also just a favorite of mine lol)
Ice wiz - not sure what your expecting... it slows / also depending on the situation when you have it next to the villager and wiz the armor from the ice comes in clutch sometimes
Normal wiz - The damage and anti heal are amazing (plus he finish's the MAGE perk/buff)
Hog - its just a really good card, idk what you want me to say - plus the extra damage he does to stun enemies are sometimes helpful (if you ever buy the upgrade) - but its main thing is to get its 1st ability to just be annoying to the "carries" the enemy may have
Barb - Mainly here as a cheep meat shield for the wizard if they have a spear goblin for instance plus finish's the CLAN perk/buff
villager - helps the Wave Master stay alive and helps it do those stuns faster
NOTE: NEVER PUT ANYTHING ON THE BACK ROW (unless its the villager)
Round 1 - Your priority is try to get the following INORDER from most important to least:
1) You will 90% of the time want to but the ice wizard on C-3
2) try to find the Wave Masters 2nd ability
- you can blow all your re-rolls if need be
3) Once you get him try and find his first ability (the one that slows 60%)
Round 2 - Your priority is try to get the following INORDER from most important to least:
1) Find Wave Masters 2nd ability
- From now on dont blow all of your re-rolls (UNLESSS, your against MONK or PINK Fury. If that is the case then you NEED the Wave Masters 2nd ability so you can stun either of the heros, till you get it your ice wiz is going to have to kick some as)
2) upgrade ice wiz so it can slow 60% if you have not and add its splash damage
2) Buy bard IF:
- Pink fury = Buy the barb and buy it extra health next round, thenput it next to the Wave masters tile / IF the Pink fury is straight ahead of the wave master and would attack it even if the barb is there, move the wave master back one tile but keep it in the same row
- Monk = Buy the barb and same thing as above but buying the extra health is not priority
3) Buy wiz or Villager (whatever works best for your courant situation)
- Buy wiz if there is some sort of healing OR just for some extra damage
- If there IS healing buy anti heal (obviously) and buy more splash
- Place wizard next to the ice wiz
- place villager next to the ice wiz OR place it on the back row near the Ice wiz
4) if something is going to hit the wiz put the barb infront of it (unless its the magic archer put it in a tile so it doesnt get hit (if possible)
5) Buy barb and upgrade health - after that put it out in the front row to tank for a high damage thing (like a wiz when there is charged tiles or something like that OR even if there is a magic archer fking you up
Round 3 - Your priority is try to get the following INORDER from most important to least:
1) IF you are not at 1 health then this isnt the highest priority - Find Wave masters 2nd ability (dont re-roll too many times)
2) if you have not, Buy wiz
- Buy splash if you NEED it
3) if you are at 1 HP buy hog and its stun upgrade - try to hit as many carries as possible
- unless its Monk or Pink fury = make sure to buy the stun upgrade and make sure the hog hits them
4) Buy villager
5) buy barb
5) buy villager healing upgrade
Round 4
1) you better have Wave Masters upgrade by now, there aint no way you dont
2) Buy villager damage upgrade
3) buy hog and its stun upgrade - try to hit as many carries as possible
- unless its Monk or Pink fury = make sure to buy the stun upgrade and make sure the hog hits them
4) IF your backline is getting destroyed and your wiz is next to the ice wiz, buy the shield upgrade
Round 5 you know what your doing / what you need by now, just out play your opponent i dont see the problem : 3
Magic Tiles
+7 Energy
+7 Energy
(from top to bottom)
IF on the front line give too:
- Wave master (Just dont put him on it TILL round 2 or 3 depending on the situation
Second from top row:
- Ice wiz (dont put normal wiz next to him)
- normal wiz IF the two super chargers are on the same row
- Wave Master (only if barb is on the top row)
Third row:
- Ice wiz (if its the start)
- Wizard (if its not the start and its later in the game 100% put him there)
Last row
to be honest, do whatever lol
Created Dec 18, 2023 by Gravity64
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6 (Max) + 11 remaining elixir7
About This Deck
The deck Got me to 2200 was created by Gravity64. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Ice Wizard, Wizard, Hog Rider, Barbarian, and Villager as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 6.9, and HP at 144.
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