This deck is mainly used for the Invisible tiles (works in ultra legend league)
THIS WAS FIRST MADE AT: Saturday - December 23rdth 2023
(so i can say/picture this better, ima say the boxes as if it were battle ship)
HORIZONTAL = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- keep in mind this is probably not the best it could possibly be since im only level 40
- If you have any suggestions or questions, my DISCORD is: gravity64
- Also some parts may make no sense, and thats because im too lazy to go back and read it all over and over and over again
Archer queen -~- Get the invisible ability (3rd one) and let her cook
Prince -~- attack the back line / attack the person on the invisible tile
Hog -~- attack the back line / attack the person on the invisible tile
Archer -~- Finishes the Ranger buff/perk and also attacks the back line
barb -~- Body block for the archer or archer queen you put on the invisible tile
knight -~- distract and be very a very tanky boi
NOTE: NEVER PUT ANYTHING ON THE BACK ROW (Besides the archer queen)
Round 1 - Your priority is try to get the following INORDER from most important to least:
1) Get archer queens ability (invisible ability) IF you do get her ability this round, dont buy anything else
2) get knight and dont put it right infront of the archer queen 90% of the time you never want to do that
3) Buy knights 2nd ability
4) save the rest of your money
Round 2 - Your priority is try to get the following INORDER from most important to least:
1) Get archer queens ability (invisible ability)
2) if you did not, get the knights 2nd ability
3) get archer and put it on EITHER: C1 OR C5 -~- NEVER on the back row
4) Buy knights 1st ability
Round 3 - Your priority is try to get the following INORDER from most important to least:
1) Get archer queens ability (invisible ability)
2) Buy barb -~- Use it as a meat shield OR if your prince or hog are infront of your archer, you can put the barb on EITHER: A2 OR A4
3) Buy prince OR hog
4) upgrade archer's 1st ability
5) If your archer queen is getting a beating, and your low on health, move it behind the knight or barb
Round 4 - you should know what situation you are in and know what you need
Little side notes that works some times:
- ALWAYS buy the prince's 3rd ability (the one that summons the pony on death)
- ALWAYS buy the hogs extra stun
- Most of the time (90% of the time) you will only have the prince and hog upgraded once
Magic Tiles
Gain Invisible for 6s
Gain Invisible for 6s
A Column/Line -~- Front row:
Prince or hog depending on where it is at
B Column/Line -~- Second row from the top:
- Prince or hog again
C Column/Line -~- 3rd Line from the top:
- IF the invis is on EITHER: C1 OR C5 -~- you can put the archer there
- IF the invis is on EITHER: C2 OR C4 -~- you can put the archer queen there (Only put the archer queen on an invis tile DURING OR AFTER ROUND 3
- The least priority are the prince or hog
D Column/Line -~- Bottom row:
- IF the invis is on EITHER: D2 OR D4 -~- you can put the archer queen there (Only put the archer queen on an invis tile DURING OR AFTER ROUND 3 (ALTHOUGH, depending on the situation this is not always true)
- Prince or Hog depending on the situation
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 9 (Max) + 5 remaining elixir3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir3 (Max) + 11 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Abuse the invis tiles was originally created on Dec 23, 2023 by Gravity64. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Prince, Hog Rider, Archer, Barbarian, and Knight as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 9.3, and HP at 120.
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