DECK 3. Check the other 2 OP decks in my profile. Updated.
I'm aware this deck has been posted a lot, but I've had great success in the top 500 with it so I thought it would be great to post it.
- Giant instead of Giant Skeleton, then Chompy instead of Hog Rider.
- Valkyrie instead of Hog Rider.
Round 1: Giant Skeleton + Witch. Maybe Villager if you haven't got both.
Round 2: Get the AQ promotion if possible*. Place the Villager if you haven't already and give it the first upgrade if you have enough elixir.
Round 3: Place the Archer, upgrade the Skeleton Giant, maybe upgrade the Witch too, depends on matchup.
Round 4+: Upgrade the Archer, Witch & Skeleton Giant and place the Hog Rider if needed. The Hog Rider can serve as frontline as well, if they push your Skeleton away.
Archer Queen:
BOAST! 2x ATK: Get this against Witch decks, swarm decks and/or decks where you essentially don't need the INJURY! Upgrade (Monk, Natureborn, etc.). If you're against an AQ Witch deck, you could still get this one if wished. It works as well as the third one.
SUPER HITS x4 & FARTHEST ONES: Get this against Shield Maiden only. Maybe against tough-frontline and high-damage backline too.
INJURY! x2 ATK and INVULNERABLE: Kinda the default one. You can't go wrong with this one. Works well against rogues, Wave Master, a stacked Royal Champion... Take advantage and place the Arhcer & Witch nearby but be careful of Hog Riders. USE IT AGAINST THE COUNTESS
Archer: 1st and 3rd are the best. 2nd if you have extra elixir, because you won't BOAST often with her.
Villager: 1st is mandatory. Healing is decent against other AQ decks and Shield Maiden, as they also damage you from away.
Hog Rider: 1st is the only needed one. The other two are fine if you get lots of enemies around him.
Witch: 1st is the best one, followed by 2nd. 3rd is too situational.
Skeleton King: 1st is the best one as well. Stun is great against lots of frontline and an enemy hero that is a tank. The 3rd upgrade is quite worthless.
Created Dec 26, 2023 by diego_es
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 16 remaining elixir7
About This Deck
The deck TOP 500 AQ deck ANTI-COUNTESS was originally created on Dec 26, 2023 by diego_es. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Giant Skeleton, Archer, Witch, Villager, and Hog Rider as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 7.6, and HP at 115.
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