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Archer Queen FTW

Archer Queen

Created by dididingdong
Updated Dec 28, 2023





all you need to do is PROTECT YOUR QUEEN AT ALL COST!
She will carry the game using her abilities and boosts from the Villager which grants you 50% attack speed and her 1st skill which grants the Archer Queen a +1 Attack DMG and the Archer Synergy which grants you 30% attack speed.
The Skeleton Guard is only there for the skeleton synergy which deals +2 DMG taken to the enemy hero. You can also swap him with Witch which produces Skeletons to slow them from approaching you Archer Queen.
The Giant Skeleton's bomb is there to deal DMG to the enemy and stuns them for a period of time. It slows them down so that the Archer Queen can deal DMG easily without any distractions.
The Archer is there mainly for the Archer Synergy boost. I don't recommend you to upgrade her as it will only waste your elixir.
The Villager as I said, provides boost to the Archer Queen and tanks a bit. I often put her at the back so that she will not die quickly so that the boost doesn't end that quick. The Ice Wizard is there to slow the enemies down, allows the Archer Queen to kill them before they approach her.

Giant Skeleton 1s>3s
Archer (not recommended) 1s>3s
Ice Wizard 1s>2s
Villager 1s
Skeleton Guard 1s>2s>3s (accordingtoenemy'slineup)
Archer Queen 1s for DMG
3s if enemy plays Countess

In other words, Im very confident that the deck will outrank other meta decks in the current patch. The deck really helped me on my undefeated long streaks in most of my matches during my playtime in two weeks(yes i just started playing it). Im at 2000 now and i gotta say, this deck is really good.(as a collector level 38).

Magic Tiles

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

Put your Archer Queen at the tile to outDMG your enemy. Try to put your minis around her so that she would not die easily.


VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Giant Skeleton
Skeleton Guard
Ice Wizard

For Countess, which is the hardest hero to counter in the current patch, you'll need to outsmart your
opponent in order to win.
Firstly, do not put your minis far apart from each other so that the Countess will not run away from the Giant Skeleton bomb which will reduces her health drastically. you'll also attain some shields from your Ice Wizard 3s which grants shield to adjacent allies.
If you can predict where the Countess will dash to, then you can move your minis to make rooms so that the Giant Skeleton's bomb will hit her. For example, if you know that the Countess will dash to your Skeleton Giant, move your Ice Wizard behind so that she will dash in between the Archer Queen and the Archer so that she is in range of the bomb explosion. You'll get the gist of it after playing the deck for a while.

VS.Royal ChampionRoyal ChampionTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Giant Skeleton
Skeleton Guard
Ice Wizard

For the Royal Champion, try to
spread out your minis so that they won't get hit from the Royal Champion's Shield abilities. try to get the Archer Queen 1s as quickly as you can to win against a Royal Champion Deck. Im positive, that the deck will win against most of the decks in the current meta.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Giant Skeleton
Skeleton Guard
Ice Wizard

For this sea pervert lookin mf, just put your Archer far from your Archer Queen so that he will Super at the Archer and leave your Archer Queen untouched. Its easy, yeah simply easy.

Archer Queen FTW
Giant Skeleton
Skeleton Guard
Archer Queen
Ice Wizard

Created Dec 28, 2023 by dididingdong


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconArcherSkeleton GuardIce Wizard
    9Star (Max) + 6 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconGiant SkeletonVillager
    6Star (Max) + 6 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Archer Queen FTW was originally created on Dec 28, 2023 by dididingdong. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Archer, Giant Skeleton, Skeleton Guard, Villager, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 12, DPS at 5.8, and HP at 111.

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