Deck based around RC and tanks beating decks reactionally
This deck is meant to be played by reacting to your opponent’s moves. The deck can be carried by RC but also has tanks to counter its biggest common weaknesses and also if things aren’t too friendly to it. RC is a very glassy cannon so you need to protect it with tanks in order for it to sweep or use it as support for tanks by killing skeletons and stunning for example. This deck is also very situational. Nearly everything changes how you need to play since RC is so glassy but the endgame clutches are insane with this. I’ve gotten 5+ win streaks consistently at 2300 with this deck.
Round 1:
You start off with trying to get an RC upgrade. If it’s a good Matchup for RC e.g RC vs Archer Queen, then get promotion 2 and leave it. If it’s a bad match up e.g Countess/Shield maiden, you can either get promotion 1 or use a tank (Valkyrie/pekka) to tank for RC. You can upgrade them like Valkyrie upgrade 3 for shield maiden for example. Doing nothing is also a valid option so you can counter their troops better in later rounds and save your commitment ones like prince. This sets RC up for an early advantage or doesn’t waste unnecessary elixir and troops. This decks mainly gets to a last heart game for you, but then absolutely demolishes the opponent the next 3 rounds.
Round 2:
In this round, depending if you win or lose and how, you want to either, do nothing to save elixir and troops placements, upgrade RC and tanks (if you haven’t already) or use hog rider to distract the opponent’s troops. Hog rider is good for backline, midline and frontline distraction.if there’s a bowler stunning you RC, drop a hog on them and you’ll be fine. Just make sure you don’t waste it since you can’t move it twice. If you have the elixir and are sure about it, you can do multiple upgrades in this round but it depends.
Round 3-5:
Upgrade necessary troops and move RC to different backline positions (that are still safe). RC might be stunned for 4 seconds by a bowler and be complete useless for too long to help the tanks at the front so remember to use a hero position change when necessary. You might already be in the best spot but always think about it.
![Royal Champion](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/royal_champion.png)
If you can, get RC promo 1 as soon as you can againsts countess. The next thing is to get a high dmg tank (preferably pekka) to tank and beat her since countess is also fairly glassy.
![Royal Champion](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/royal_champion.png)
![Hog Rider](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/hog_rider.png)
Keep your distance from monk and long stuns are your friend here.
![Shield Maiden](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/shield_maiden.png)
![Royal Champion](/clash-mini/res/img/units/troops/royal_champion.png)
Preferably Valkyrie but pekka also works, tank for RC and use promo 1 and 3 for both tanks.
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
- 4
About This Deck
The deck RC Tank was created by TacoWith3Beans. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Hog Rider, Prince, P.E.K.K.A, Valkyrie, and Villager as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 13.6, and HP at 154.
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