High Ladder (3600+) Grand Warden and Sailor Deck. Great synergies and good for the current meta.
Youtube: Tony - Clash Mini
One of the strongest high ladder decks in the meta currently. I'm playing this at 3600 trophies.
Round 1: Place down Giant.
Round 2: Villager (promotions 1 or 2) and Sailor (1) OR if you find GW ability, upgrade it (See below for guide on his promotions).
Round 3: Shark bait (3) positioning depending on where the carry is. If it is countess, place near the backline to allow him to walk up. If he has moved his hero already, place down dark prince (upgrade third ability first).
Round 4: Move GW to better position him. Continue upgrading Sailor (2 and possibly 3). Or, can opt to upgrade Villager (2) and/or Sharkbait (2 and 3) --> DEPENDANT ON ELIXIR
Grand Warden Promotion General Guide:
Promotion 1: Good against any CC heavy decks such as Royal Champion, Skeleton King, Wave Master. Also works fine against Archer Queen but its situational. If you can get a good Shark Bait cast on AQ, the second promotion can be more worth while due to the multiple explosions from your minis.
Promotion 2: Good against, Shield Maiden, Countess, etc. If you can't really keeping autoing them effectively, you want to choose this to damage them indirectly. Can be good with Shark Bait pull on AQ and shields in the front line exploding, potentially almost one shotting squishier heros such as Archer Queen.
Promotion 3: A bit of a hit or miss. Certain situations it can be strong if your front line is strong and doesn't die too quickly but I would otherwise choose the other two promotions. Can be good in scenarios against Countess though.
Created Jan 3, 2024 by YT_Tony_ClashMini
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
- 4
About This Deck
The deck Grand Warden & Sailor Carry was originally created on Jan 3, 2024 by YT_Tony_ClashMini. This deck uses Grand Warden as the hero with Shark Bait, Sailor, Villager, Dark Prince, and Giant as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 18, DPS at 8.8, and HP at 152.
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