Natureborn sustain with giant and chompy allows you to outsustain
Youtube: Tony - Clash Mini
One of the strongest high ladder decks in the meta currently. I'm playing this at 3600 trophies.
Counters the Countess quite hard but its up to positioning and luck. I have had a 60%+ winrate against countess using this deck as bandit energy steal does not affect natureborn's third promotion where her atk spd and damage increases. Chompy also does well too since Natureborn, chompy and giant are always the last to survive in this matchup and if you get giant (1) it'll help let your chompy and natureborn do tons of damage.
Round 1: If its a mirror matchup (vs another Natureborn, try to get her third promotion now). You will probably win the first round if other player puts down the giant for example. However, tradeoff is that you get one less round of scaling for your giant. However, if its a normal matchup, always go Giant.
Round 2: Some options are open in Round 2. Can either go for the Natureborn upgrade (3) alongside villager and witch/wizard/chompy. If it is a mirror matchup, always go Natureborn (3) with wizard. If you can get wizard upgraded to 1 and 3 fast, it'll help A LOT with stopping the other natureborn. For normal matchups, I usually go chompy and witch for undead synergy OR I go villager and wizard. Up to you and the situation.
Round 3: Place down the rest of your troops that you did not place down and consider upgrading villager (3), wizard (1, 2 or 3), chompy (1 and/or 3) or witch (1).
Round 4/5: Versing mirror matchups, its either round 4 of 5 that the other person usually moves their natureborn to one of the sides of the board, usually on the other side of the giant to potentially stop them from being targeted first. You can do this if you want to throw a curve ball at them. Try to get Chompy (1, 2 and 3) and at least witch (1) by this point OR, if need be, get wizard (1,2 and 3). Villager (2) promotion can be difference maker in a mirror matchup.
Natureborn positioning:
Always place her in the front two rows with third promotion (at least in high ladder and in this meta). You will lack too much front line if you don't.
Natureborn promotion guide:
Promotion 1: Not ideal to take in this deck.
Promotion 2: Not ideal to take in this deck.
Promotion 3: Strong in this meta and best option to always take currently.
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 6
- 3 (Max) + 8 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Meta Natureborn Chompy Carry Deck was originally created on Jan 3, 2024 by YT_Tony_ClashMini. This deck uses Natureborn as the hero with Giant, Chompy, Villager, Wizard, and Witch as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 8.6, and HP at 147.
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