Off meta deck that can push over 3000 with ease
This is a versatile deck that your opponent will not be used to. It is fun as well and satisfying to see chompy get even 300+ damage in some scenarios.
Turn 1: Place defuser and lumberjack for elixir buff.
Turn 2: Place chompy and witch, get shield maiden ability.
Turn 3: Upgrade chompy, defuser, witch.
Turn 4: If you think you may lose this round, skip to turn 5. Otherwise continue upgrading defuser and chompy.
Turn 5: Sell defuser, you can replace it if you need the disarm ability. Place hog (can be done earlier). Spend remaining elixir on max chompy and other needed upgrades.
Shield Maiden: 1st promotion doesn’t work the best in this deck as there isn’t many heals. 2nd promotion is preferred and works well against sabotage decks such as COUNTESS. 3rd promotion could be used to debuff any troublesome units that can’t be handled otherwise.
Chompy: 2nd->3rd->1st. Definitely get 1st upgrade last once you have enough units that can die on the board.
Witch: 1st upgrade always. Then consider the 3rd and not the 2nd since you’ll be wanting the skeletons to die anyway.
Defuser: 3rd->1st->2nd. Doesn’t matter too much but disarm ability is useful.
Lumberjack: I don’t usually upgrade this so it’s up to you what you need.
Hog rider: 1st always. Get the 3rd if you need to.
Magic Tiles
Heal 6 HP every 3s
Heal 6 HP every 3s
Prioritise putting chompy and Shield Maiden on upgrade tiles like this one.
Created Jan 4, 2024 by Mystery
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 16 remaining elixir7
About This Deck
The deck Chompy on Steroids was created by Mystery. This deck uses Shield Maiden as the hero with Chompy, Witch, Defuser, Lumberjack, and Hog Rider as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.5, and HP at 168.
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