Use the MAGE trait to boost the damage of the WIZARD super (DETAILED GUIDE)

The goal of this deck is to boost the WIZARD to be able to have the most power out of the WIZARD's super
- The DARK PRINCE is use to Block any CLASH ability mini's shots so put it in a appropriate spot
- The HOG RIDER is used to punish players who bunch up minis and if they don't it still has a brilliant stun so put it where the minis
are bunched up
this is the best promotion as the RAGE is handy but UNSTOPPABLE means that if opponent has more than 1 CLASH mini they wont
be pushed back or stunned. Also GRAND WARDEN gives out a TON of shield so these effects last a LONG time.
- HOG RIDER: ⭐1 >⭐2:
The 4s stun is just broken when hitting many enemies as it gives ELECTRO WIZARD time to get HIS stun ability ready and the x2
damage to STUNNED minis is really useful because it can pretty much only STUNNED minis as its in the middle of all the minis it hits
the last reason why its good is because it distracts minis from heading over to the wizards.
- DARK PRINCE: ⭐2 >⭐3:
The x2 attack when SHIELDED is OP because GRAND WARDEN is constantly putting up shields so you will almost ALWAYS have the
x2 attack bonus, having the +20 shield when 1HP makes it hang on for longer and guarantee another x2 which is always neat. DARK
PRINCE is meant for a BLOCK for any CLASH ability minis so the +20 shield guarantees it lives.
The 3.5s STUN is OP as the SUPER can be built up whilst the 4s HOG RIDER STUN is in play and 3.5s is quite a long time. this give
MORE opportunity for the WIZARD to get SUPERS off, the energy boost at the start of rounds again is another direct support to the
WIZARD as it can get off a early SUPER to wipe minis at the start of a round, this is pretty much all the ELECTRO WIZARD is used for,
boosting the WIZARD.
- WIZARD: ⭐1 >⭐2:
WIZARD is the main attraction to this deck it is the hidden underdog in all of Clash Mini the 14 fireball damage is INSANE considering
its for ALL minis within an area, not to talk about how this area can be increased with another upgrade, also the fact that it can get
off so many of these SUPERS due to all the stuns from the: HOG RIDER and ELECTRO WIZARD, which will overwhelm the opponent.
05/01/24 - DECK CREATED

The problem with HOG RIDER is that it can stop you from gathering all your minis and having the deck in its most powerful state as you wont get the shield from the ICE WIZARD nor will the GRAND WARDEN provide cover for the ELECTRO WIZARD
You have to make sure the HOG RIDER can hit minimal minis whilst still having them be useful this is why the ELECTRO WIZARD is still next to the WIZARD for the energy sharing
Save using minis like the ICE WIZARD until they have USED or CONFRIMED they don't have the HOG RIDER so they hit less minis

Created Jan 5, 2024 by Brownies

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 14 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck Grand Warden - Mage Overload was originally created on Jan 5, 2024 by Brownies. This deck uses Grand Warden as the hero with Hog Rider, Dark Prince, Electro Wizard, Ice Wizard, and Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 8.2, and HP at 117.
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