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F2P Control deck

Wave Master

Created by ClashingHuntress023350
Updated Jan 16, 2024


Lock enemy hero clearing mini with swordsman


Avg CostElixir icon2.6
Avg DPSSword icon1.72
Avg HPHeart icon24.17


An initial deck that really helps you get to grandmaster (because I'm still stuck on grandmaster too) My highest winstreak with this deck is 10 at Diamond 1 > master tier

This is a control deck. You have to be smart in observing every turn, disrupting the enemy's Damage dealer or annoying mini so that your swordsman can give optimal damage.

You can also use your spear goblin to give damage (Optimize the clash skill of the spear goblin) use the hog rider and bowler to slow down the enemy

I use the miner only to activate the rogue specialty so that the swordsman can do a lot of damage and also don't forget the wave master who also has an important role in your battle

F2P Control deck

Created Jan 16, 2024 by ClashingHuntress023350


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconMinerSpear Goblin
    6Star (Max) + 11 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerSwordsmanHog Rider

About This Deck

The deck F2P Control deck was created by ClashingHuntress023350. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Bowler, Miner, Swordsman, Spear Goblin, and Hog Rider as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 13, DPS at 10.3, and HP at 145.

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