Force Your Opponent To Play Weird

This deck is probably the most rng dependent deck I've made, but with that being said... you can still win even without hitting your fisherman.
Fisherman is not the main focus of the deck Royale Champion is, because of this fisherman 1st play is not a bad turn 1 play. Making your opponent play differently than their use to open your "RC" to get resets easier because, *you opponent is forced to play only two lanes*
*you opponent is forced to play only two lanes* this is what you should be doing when you play vs fisherman
mini pekka and spear goblin are to play off of your fisherman pull and to just give out a high damage output.
musk instead of e-wiz because you want your fisherman in play always and by having musk over e-wiz it makes the deck more elixir efficient.
what i *usually* do is:
3 star spear gob
3 star musketeer

there are two ways to play vs WM one ways is to trap your RC in the corner
<- this setup specifically (you can flip sides if you want)
most WM players play e-wiz so by trapping your RC in the corner their e-wiz can't stun your RC AND/ALSO their WM can't stun your RC.
You can move you fisherman down one if that's where you think your opponent is gonna play. If your opponent's backline with this setup you automatically win.

<- the other way to play vs WM is to do this setup
again you can flip these setups (to keep consistencies i do left for my examples)
this setup also work but the problem is it relies way too much on the fisherman pull, because if you don't pull their (e-wiz specially) you lose, unless of course your opponent didn’t upgrade their e-wiz.
i would recommend this setup at round 3,4 and the other setup round 5

always play only two lanes if your opponent is going to 3 star their royal ghost
<- use this setup vs 3 star RG, unless it's WM + 3 star RG use one of the WM setups

if your opponent doesn’t know you have fisherman pull the last lane, but once they do hook the 2nd or 3rd lane whichever one you're feeling atm
<this is the setup to use once they know you have fisherman

Created Jul 6, 2022 by Gishybear

Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3
(Max) + 16 remaining elixir
About This Deck
The deck RC Pull was originally created on Jul 6, 2022 by Gishybear. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Fisherman, Giant Skeleton, Musketeer, Spear Goblin, and Mini P.E.K.K.A as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 9.2, and HP at 124.
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