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WM PERMASTUN *22 Win Streak*

Wave Master

Created by Devvon
Updated Feb 5, 2024


Stun permanently the enemy board



This deck wins against everything but the bandit

U just need to upgrade Wave Master with 2nd upgrade and then place the synergies (Upgraded Wave Master will win u the first couple rounds on his own)
I recommend upgrading first the wizard (+6dmg) and the WaveMaster
Then, ewiz is usually a carry along with shark bait and maybe swordsman (rarely) so depending on the situation, upgrade them
I recommend not to use: upgrade 3 of shark bait, upgrade 3 of ewiz and upgrade 3 of swordsman (if u upgrade her, and she's not the carry just use the first upgrade) and maybe I'd suggest on ewiz and sharkbait to start with upgrade that stuns longer

I recommend to be patient with the play of fisherman
Don't play him unless u are almost losing OR at the very end of the game, to guarantee a counter when/if the enemy has a hog rider

If u play well, u'll have a 3s stun by Wave Master, a 3.5s stun from ewiz, a 3s stun by sharkbait, all rapidly re-used thanks to the energy given by the sea class

That's it, enjoy!

Magic Tiles

Launch Pad
Launch Pad

Launch a Troop across the board

Launch a Troop across the board

With the launch pad u have more consistency from the swordsman, but not much more


VS.BanditBanditTwo Swords

The only way to win against bandit is to stun her BEFORE she successfully dashes

WM PERMASTUN *22 Win Streak*
Shark Bait
Wave Master
Electro Wizard

Created Feb 5, 2024 by Devvon


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 3 Elixir iconWizardSwordsmanFisherman
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro WizardShark Bait

About This Deck

The deck WM PERMASTUN *22 Win Streak* was originally created on Feb 5, 2024 by Devvon. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Electro Wizard, Wizard, Shark Bait, Swordsman, and Fisherman as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 17, DPS at 8.2, and HP at 172.

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