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Best Queen deck (35lvl+)

Archer Queen

Created by Sokolovsky
Updated Feb 7, 2024


very broken deck



Queen 3rd ability

the rest is at your discretion and situation

the arrangement may be different, but this one makes your entire ranged army invisible (queen 3rd ability)

(app board bug: the queen is not visible, she should stand in front of the archer)


VS.Pink FuryPink FuryTwo Swords
Archer Queen
Dagger Thrower
Giant Skeleton
Royal Ghost

i think u may lose vs pink fury if it is collector variation but...

(if board bug: queen on C2 where letters on the left, number above)
Pink Fury + elixir golem first = you win (80%)

Find Quenns ability (3), upgrade ghost (3), musketeer (2 and 1), archer (1), dagger (2), skeleton (3 and 2), other at your look .

P.S. I won a couple of times with this variation, but there were also situations with 1 HP)

VS.Shield MaidenShield MaidenTwo Swords

Counter peek

Best Queen deck (35lvl+)
Giant Skeleton
Royal Ghost
Archer Queen
Dagger Thrower

Created Feb 6, 2024 by Sokolovsky


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconArcherDagger Thrower
    6Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconGiant SkeletonMusketeer
    6Star (Max) + 4 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconRoyal Ghost
    3Star (Max) + 10 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Best Queen deck (35lvl+) was originally created on Feb 6, 2024 by Sokolovsky. This deck uses Archer Queen as the hero with Archer, Dagger Thrower, Giant Skeleton, Royal Ghost, and Musketeer as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 14, DPS at 8.8, and HP at 112.

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