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F2P Royal Champ - Triple Synergy

Royal Champion

Created by MinimalPoppy
Updated Feb 11, 2024


Main focus: 3-star Musketeer



For barbarian king:

1. Upgrade Royal Champ (3rd upgrade), focus on getting the musketeer on the corner and upgrade her completely (1st upgrade > 3rd upgrade > 2nd upgrade)
2. If the opponents starts strong in the center, place knight and upgrade him (1st upgrade at first, 3rd upgrade if necessary) as you upgrade your hero and your musketeer to max level
3.1. If the opponent's troops are mainly short range, place the royal recruit right next to the knight (preferably to the side where he sits right in front of an enemy unit) and if get the 1st or the 2nd upgrade, depending on the context
3.2. if the oponnent's troops are mainly long range, place the archer on the corner (or one tile closer to the center) and upgrade her (1st upgrade > 3rd upgrade > 2nd upgrade; if the long-range units are low health units, prioritize 2nd upgrade, over 3rd upgrade but not over 1st upgrade)
4. Hog rider must only be used once 1) the enemy hero has been moved or 2) the enemy troops are grouped up; therefore, you'll most likely wait until the end (4th round or later) to place him. Use him wisely, he is a game-changer when well-placed. Prioritize 1st upgrade > 3rd upgrade > 2nd upgrade

When playing against monk, skeleton king, pink fury, natureborn and shield maiden (tanky heroes usually with tanky armiess) you may want to follow a similar strategy as explained above. In these case, prioritize as much as possible the STUNNING abilities (musketeer, royal champion, hog rider) to try to keep the heroes as far and as stunned as possible so they don't charge up their super and kick you out of the field / hit you with a 12+ hit / stun you / reflect your hits / heal up.

For archer queen, royal champion and countess:
1. Since these heroes are usually accompanied by low-health troops, try to get the 2nd upgrade of the Royal Champion first and prioritize the 2nd upgrade of the musketeer
2. If the enemy places troop in the center, place your knight or royal recruit to buy some time as you upgrade your musketeer and royal champion
2.1. If playing against countess, choose knight over royal recruit and upgrade him (1st upgrade) so that you can buy time for the royal champion and the musketeer
3. Choose between upgrading what you have placed (1st upgrade of knight, the remaining upgrades for the musketeer, 1st or second upgrade of royal recruit) or placing the archer and start upgrading her (1st upgrade > 2nd upgrade > 3rd upgrade)
4. Hog rider must be placed preferably where the countess gets affected by his stunning or at least the majority of the enemy troops

In some scenarios against royal champion, you may prefer the third upgrade, so I would recommend placing the musketeer first and analyze what the enemy has placed and then choose the hero upgrade based on that. I would highly recomend using the second upgrade for archer queen and countess in most cases.

For gran warden:
Similar to what was explained for tanky heroes, in case of triple/quadruple-wizard decks, the hog rider must eventually receive his 3 upgrades and be placed on a tile where 1) the gran warden + 2/3 wizards are affected by the stun or 2) 3+ wizards are affected by the stun. In case the wizards are placed on a weird pattern, make sure to at least get the electro wizard +/- the grand warden. The 3rd upgrade for the royal champion may be handy for all those shields.

For wave master: I would just follow the main points (unit placement, prioritze musketeer and royal champion's 1st or 3rd upgrade) and then just let it flow. As you may have noticed, for all heroes everything is pretty much the same.

For battle machine: not sure yet, just follow main points, let me know what y'all come up with :)

F2P Royal Champ - Triple Synergy
Royal Recruit
Hog Rider
Royal Champion

Created Feb 11, 2024 by MinimalPoppy


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconKnightArcherRoyal Recruit
    9Star (Max) + 6 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconHog RiderMusketeer
    6Star (Max) + 6 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck F2P Royal Champ - Triple Synergy was originally created on Feb 11, 2024 by MinimalPoppy. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Hog Rider, Musketeer, Knight, Archer, and Royal Recruit as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 12, DPS at 8.4, and HP at 120.

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