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Dagger Assassin (10 Win Streak)

Wave Master

Created by NamelyNothing
Updated Feb 14, 2024


Fling the Goblin to stack kills and destroy backline



Your Main goal is to Fast upgrade your Dagger Goblin and get 3rd promotion Wavemaster if your Dagger can't stack kills throw the Swordsman and get up Sharkbait

Magic Tiles

Launch Pad
Launch Pad

Launch a Troop across the board

Launch a Troop across the board

Place either Swordsman or Dagger Goblin with the other being placed behind Wavemaster


VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Wave Master
Shark Bait

This deck struggles against countess so don't worry about Dagger and Swordsman and get 2nd promotion Wavemaster and 3 star Sharkbait

VS.MonkMonkTwo Swords
Wave Master
Shark Bait

Monk is the same thing Get 2nd promotion Wavemaster and 3 star Sharkbait

Dagger Assassin (10 Win Streak)
Shark Bait
Wave Master
Dagger Goblin

Created Feb 14, 2024 by NamelyNothing


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconDagger Goblin
    3Star (Max) + 15 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconSwordsmanBowlerFisherman
  • 4 Elixir iconShark Bait
    3Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir

About This Deck

The deck Dagger Assassin (10 Win Streak) was originally created on Feb 14, 2024 by NamelyNothing. This deck uses Wave Master as the hero with Dagger Goblin, Swordsman, Shark Bait, Bowler, and Fisherman as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 9.5, and HP at 170.

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