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3200+ Trophies Shield Mage/Royal

Grand Warden

Created by GumballCuh
Updated Feb 21, 2024


Pretty EZ to use deck tht works in top 1000 (Detailed Guide Below)



GW=Grand Wizard
EW=Electro Wizard
IW=Ice Wizard
DP=Dark Prince
n*=upgrade number
(n*)=conditional upgrades
Your board should almost always look like the general board position with your KG protecting the EW from prince and DP. The Wiz and GW should be next to the EW to get the benefit of EW’s 3*. EW and Wiz are your main dmg dealers so they’re the most protected/buffed. Your own DP should be placed to counter enemy prince, other DP, and hogs. You can also use prince instead of DP in this deck but I don’t have him unlocked but they work similarly.

In general, the upgrade priority should look like this:
GW: 1*
EW should only have the (1*) when you need to reach carry units in the back line like Executioner, princess, magic archer, or dart goblin
Wiz should only have (3*) when against healing comps like Shield Maiden, Countess, or Natureborn
IW has upgrades according to the matchup so you can freestyle depending on which comp you’re up against which i’ll elaborate in the matchup section
You’re almost never upgrading KG or DP unless you’re up against Pink Fury or more specifically Elixir Golem and you have extra elixir but they should be upgraded last in the matchup anyway. In rare cases like when you’re on the very last round and you get unlucky in the shop, you can upgrade the KG 1* or 3* if it’s still surviving the past couple rounds or 2* if you’re against Wave Master.

1st Round:
Place and sell units to rotate your shop to try and get GW 1* early. Keep KG and/or IW on board as they’re the only troops you should place 1st round. Your likely to lose your first round so if your up against Royal Champion or Monk don’t place your minis to avoid letting Royal Champion snowball or letting Monk players put counters by giving away your placements. KG should be placed according to enemy deck. Ex.) if they have magic archer or headhunter don’t put KG where it’ll pierce towards your GW and EW.
Don’t move your GW until second or third round as you don’t want to line up KG with GW.

2nd Round:
Depending on what you did first round, place EW and Wiz and IW and KG if you haven’t already. Leave at least 4 elixir in case you roll GW 1*. Use all your rolls as you need GW to be upgraded and if you have to sell minis do so to get the upgrade. You want to place all four mages to avoid getting put in match point but it’s possible to lose both rounds in matchups like Natureborn Pekka or if they predict with hog, prince, or DP.

3rd Round:
If you're on match point place prioritize GW upgrade if you don’t already have and place DP to counter enemy prince, DP, or hogs. Prioritize stopping the units that are targeting your EW. Upgrade EW 3* and IW 3* if opponent is running 4 riders. Upgrade your Wiz to 1* unless they have a heal comp then prioritize 3*. If your up against Pink Fury, Archer Queen, Royal Champion, or any comp that you need to slow down to allow your Wiz to DPS down tanks and GW to give shields, then upgrade EW to 2* and 3* if you have extra elixir from units like Elixir Golem.

4th Round:
At this point if you were on match point, freestyle your upgrades depending on the matchup since you’ve already placed down all your minis. If you aren’t on match point place DP if you haven’t already and they’ve placed down prince, DP, and hog or towards their carry units in the back if they’re unprotected. Still, freestyle the rest of your elixir to upgrade the minis that are carrying the most against the matchup.

Magic Tiles


+7 Energy

+7 Energy

You can place either GW or EW on this tile and change up the EW placement to help your other mages if you place GW on the tile. Should only place minis on tile if it’s located on the back line but for GW you can place on either back row or second to last row.

Devil's Deal
Devil's Deal

+10 ATK but -80% HP

+10 ATK but -80% HP

You can place GW on this tile if within the last two rows or your DP if it's inline with minis you wanna snipe.

Zap Zone
Zap Zone

Gain AOE stun

Gain AOE stun

Generally, you can place any of your minis except for EW (it's redundant) on these tiles but only when the tile is in the placement you wanted anyway.


VS.Archer QueenArcher QueenTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Dark Prince
Electro Wizard
Ice Wizard

You can rush mage synergy early to put them in match point then place DP depending on where they place the Archer Queen (usually the rest of the carry units will be there too) to beat them before they snowball. if they cover the Archer Queen, you can place DP to splash onto it instead. Focus on place your troops on the same side they placed their Archer Queen. They’ll usually move Archer Queen early or you’ll see where they put their carry units (Princess, Executioner, Magic Archer).

VS.Dart GoblinDart GoblinTwo Swords
Dark Prince
Electro Wizard

Dart Goblin is your biggest counter so try and place your minis same side and try snipe the dart gob with your DP in the 3rd/4th if they leave it uncovered.

VS.Pink FuryPink FuryTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

Your IW should focus on the 2* to splash onto the Pink Fury then 1*. EW 2* and 3* is also important in this matchup. If they have Dart Goblin, try and snipe it with DP but if they have it covered you almost always lose this matchup unless your EW 3* somehow carries.

VS.CountessCountessTwo Swords
Ice Wizard

For countess, instead of upgrading your EW first you can try IW 3* and Wiz 3* but only if you can afford both to avoid getting snowballed to quickly early game.

VS.Wave MasterWave MasterTwo Swords
Grand Warden
Dark Prince
Electro Wizard
Ice Wizard

If you go against Wave Master/4 Riders (a popular deck especially in upper ranks), your most important troops are DP and IW as you should try and stop as many rush minis such as Prince, DP, or Hogs with your DP and cover your unprotected minis with the IW 3*.

3200+ Trophies Shield Mage/Royal
Grand Warden
Electro Wizard
Ice Wizard

Created Feb 21, 2024 by GumballCuh


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconKnightIce Wizard
    6Star (Max) + 9 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconWizard
    3Star (Max) + 12 remaining elixir
  • 4 Elixir iconDark PrinceElectro Wizard

About This Deck

The deck 3200+ Trophies Shield Mage/Royal was originally created on Feb 21, 2024 by GumballCuh. This deck uses Grand Warden as the hero with Dark Prince, Knight, Electro Wizard, Wizard, and Ice Wizard as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 15, DPS at 6.8, and HP at 124.

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