Force your opponent to move their hero and attack back line with area stun RIP Clash Mini
Try to get them to move their Hero early on then stall with the rest of the clash abilities. Let the sailor clean up most of the minis. Always upgrade Royal Champ third ability
There usually shouldn’t be a reason to upgrade knight at all. I won’t be making this too in dept since the game is shutting down
Magic Tiles
Clone a Troop with 30% HP
Clone a Troop with 30% HP
Works very well with clash abilities
Make sure to kill Sheild Maiden first
Prioritize killing her but she will usually be defended by an elixir golem. In this case put your other knight behind and upgrade 1 and 3
Created Mar 20, 2024 by ChargingSeaFairy074739
Advanced Deck Stats
Elixir Distribution
Deck Cost
Remaining Elixir
Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)
- 3 (Max) + 14 remaining elixir65
About This Deck
The deck Royale Champion Control was originally created on Mar 20, 2024 by ChargingSeaFairy074739. This deck uses Royal Champion as the hero with Dark Prince, Hog Rider, Knight, Prince, and Sailor as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 11, and HP at 130.
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