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SK QuadClash eWiz

Skeleton King

Created by PauwlHuts
Updated Oct 15, 2022


Hit your clash ability’s and upgrade your eWiz



Round 1: Start with either bowler, fisher or prince spear gob. Keep your eWiz for later. Place your sk (Skeleton King) in a logic place, let your FM (fisherman) or bowler tank the first monk hit or if you dont play against monk, let your sk charge its super.

Round 2: place the other 2 clash ability’s and set everything up like i show in the placement section.

Round 3: Sell your spear gob and go in with eWiz. Then upgrade it once. If he had a lot of minis in the backlines, you’d prefer the 1*, if he has mostly meelee minis, use the 3* (if you don’t have 3*, just use 1*)

Round 4: get your spear gob back on the field and take eWiz’ 3/1* (the one you didn’t pick last round). Now place your spear gob behind the fm (weird game mechanic, now you have more chance of hitting your spear gob).

Round 5: Upgrade your eWiz 2* (for extra dps and faster super charging) and take the spear gob’s 1*.

I didn’t include placements. DO NOT KEEP EVERYTHING THE SAME ROUND OVER ROUND!!! Switch your clash ability’s, change the height of your eWiz etc.

Mirror map: if the mirror spawns on the 2 heighest horizontal lanes, get your sk on it.
If the mirror spawns on the lowest 2 horizontal lanes, get your eWiz on it.

Remember: you dont have to use the special tile all the time. If he has a bowler, its better to ignore it sometimes.

SK QuadClash eWiz
Skeleton King
Spear Goblin
Electro Wizard

Created Oct 15, 2022 by PauwlHuts


Advanced Deck Stats

Elixir Distribution

Deck Cost


Remaining Elixir


Upgrade Possibilities (Max per Minis by cost)

  • 2 Elixir iconSpear Goblin
    3Star (Max) + 14 remaining elixir
  • 3 Elixir iconBowlerFisherman
  • 4 Elixir iconElectro WizardPrince

About This Deck

The deck SK QuadClash eWiz was originally created on Oct 15, 2022 by PauwlHuts. This deck uses Skeleton King as the hero with Bowler, Electro Wizard, Prince, Spear Goblin, and Fisherman as the supporting units. This puts the total deck cost at 16, DPS at 11.9, and HP at 144.

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